Trickle down meta isn't real

no, she is definitely picked for her power. Pro players don’t play her just because she is fun to play. Back in stage 1 they had a mercy in every single game despite them saying that they didn’t enjoy playing her. They play whoever is powerful.

best post I’ve seen today.

Except going to work pays for more than just your car… food, clothes, housing etc… sooooo >.>

most played =/= op for awhile ago rein and lucio were some of the most played heroes, but they werent overpowered like mercy or junkrat was, just that having a rein shield was powerful b4 orisa and winston buff, and speed boost in general is really good to get to the point quickly or go through chokes.

“Reinhardt is bad” well until master and gm, he is in the top 10

Are you guys gonna nerf dva?

He is the worst of the tankbusters. That’s mostly just due to poor synergy and suicidal shadow-step ( and extremely slow and buggy).

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These are issues that can easily be fixed by the player, they aren’t inherent flaws in his design

The stats presented are since the start of season 9 on March 1st, less than a week ago.

The Sombra changes have only just came through to live, so the increase in her pick rate won’t be reflected in the stats Jeff presented.

Buff hype is usually at its peak right after it hits live. People try her out who havent before and would stick with her if they see the results. Looking at her stats, her increase in pickrate is slowly falling down.

Hmm I would have expected Pharah to at least be 10 in bronze - gold. Although I don’t really see pharahs much in plat .

Rein and Lucio were never the most played heroes at every rank. Mercy was. Dva still is. Being meta isn’t a problem for me. It’s impossible to makes every hero the exact same, so having slight preference amongst the player base is acceptable. It becomes a problem when it is a drastic preference, like >90% pickrate in OWL, and >50% pickrate in every rank in every region on every platform. Keep in mind the average pickrate for heroes is 23%.

I still really like Bastion if only because he can surprise people in quickplay. Sometimes you pick him, run around in recon most of the time and just jump into sentry to melt tanks, hop up and heal himself. Sometimes it works and its really satisfying to clean up with him. He’s so easily countered though that anyone paying attention won’t usually let you do it.

did someone say hell?

So you mean it IS about as real as trickle down economics.

Not everyone can play every character. If you can’t play a character no matter how hard you try, but you can play a similarly situated character better than most people, you’re better off picking the character that you can play well.

That’s my boyyyyy. Copa Lúcio ball ftw

It’s not because she’s unbalanced, it’s because she’s very easy to pick up and play for dps mains taking a go at filling, extremely versatile and fits almost all team comps, and it’s relatively straightforward to get value out of her ult even if it just makes the enemy team hide.

Less mobile tanks like Zarya, Orisa, Rein, and Hog are still not quite picked as much after dive meta but that’s changing thankfully.

The last line blew any credibility you might have gained earlier in your post.

Hrm, best economy in the world? But the median household income for wage earners is 30k annually…

Trickle down doesn’t take greed into the equation, and because of this - fails miserably.

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