Triad Mercy is back?

Continuing the discussion from Overwatch 2 Retail Patch Notes - February 13, 2024:

I’m a little confused, I thought they removed the “Triad” healing ability from Mercy like a few seasons ago? When I saw it in the leaked notes I thought it was a typo. Am I missing something here?

Also does this mean the time that GA is waiting to go on cooldown is reduced by 0.5 seconds or is it a nerf?

They didn’t seem very clear on hers lol

I think you’re thinking of her “triage” healer passive, which is when she healed for more if her target was under half health. They removed that after a patch, but she’s kept her Sympathetic Recovery passive which is what is being buffed.

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Its not back, but more mobility and survivablity do help with that playstyle

You’re right. I feel like in the entire time I’ve played Mercy I’ve never noticed that she heals herself from healing. I feel like I’ve tested it in-game multiple times and never saw it. I also forgot all about the below 50% bonus healing lol

But I just went in practice range and noticed she does heal herself a little bit lol

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Oh yeah, it’s never been very noticeable outside of her ult. Seems they’re worried that she’ll be hit hard because of the increased projectile sizes and healing reduction. Personally, I’m all for making hunting down Mercy pockets a little less frustrating, though I do feel bad for her mains.

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In S3 when they tried to encourage triage healing she had 67.5 HPS on 200 health targets below half health (33.75% HPS). Now she’ll have 44 HPS on 250 health targets (17.6% HPS). She can fly around and try to save people, it’s just not going to be very effective.

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Me over here thinking mercy had a triad skin