TreeBoyDave was banned (UPDATE: Unbanned Now)

Im gonna repeat other people cause the fact is you are a hacker.

Now get off from your high horse and never play overwatch ever again, cause we dont need you in our game

The first response always says that regardless if it is true or not.

Youā€™re right. He said Multiple. Thatā€™s distinctly different from ā€˜severalā€™.

" adjective

  1. Having or involving several parts, elements, or members."

Very different.


However, several and multiple can be interchangeable

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You donā€™t know me man. All you have is a devs word to go on and weā€™ve literally seen ā€œseveralā€ times now they can be wrong.

Too bad Iā€™m playing on ā€œseveralā€ other accounts in every elo up to high masters :slight_smile:

In fact I just got a new one thanks to Overwatch being on sale and double xp week.

Cā€™ya in game, bro.

Edit: youā€™re on console. You literally know nothing about players cheating lmao.

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This exchange surely shows heā€™s an honest chap. /s

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Oh wow. Youre platform shaming. How very low, even for a hacker.

And, yes, I know what hacking looks like. Consoles have hacks as well


Were you innocent too Culona? Thatā€™s crazy - you even had death threats over this. What is this company even doing.

He canā€™t even tell the truth about what Jeff said, donā€™t know why youā€™re believing him now.

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Heā€™s right, Jeff said ā€œmultipleā€ not ā€œseveralā€ so I believe him considering how almost every person who came onto the forum to complain about this was found out to be false banned. At this point NOBODY should assume guilty.

Those are synonyms. Multiple literally means several. Attempting to nitpick exact word accuracy is a way to doublespeak. To lie while telling the truth.


I use synonyms every day.

I knew jeff said multiple. I just condensed it down slightly cause no way someone has more than 5 hacksā€¦

At this point I donā€™t believe a word that comes out of Blizzardā€™s mouth including their representatives, including Jeff.

Difference between culonavirus and treeboydave is that culonavirus got the game developer himself to review his account and found evidence of multiple cheats BEFORE blizzard had even updated their anti-cheat program (which resulted in a wave of false flags) and that treeboydave had automatic responses till a human review found him falsely flagged and unbanned him.

Basically culona is implying Jeff himself is extremely incompetent or the just keeps crying foul about being found out hard cheating, just like cheaters do on other forums and discord.

One might think Jeff would not come to roast people on forums unless he was absolutely certain of it. It would be amazingly bad rep if he did and then had to apologize for it.


There isnā€™t a reason to doubt Jeff, especially for the sake of someone who hasnā€™t conducted themselves honestly in discussions of the potential ban. Other people who claimed innocence didnā€™t behave that way, they just wanted their account back.


I havenā€™t seen any dishonesty from the guy. Do I think Jeff was lying? No, I think he went on whatever his systems told him.

Meanwhile, Culona gloats over having multiple accounts, as if to say, ā€œiā€™m above consequencesā€


Then you donā€™t understand doublespeak. :woman_shrugging:t6:

Itā€™s not a really significant point to get hung up over. ā€œSeveralā€ in the sense the guy was using it, he was trying to imply ā€œa lotā€. Go back and read what he said. Multiple just means more than one.

Yup. Gloats about multiple accounts, showing off how little he cares about being banned. Lashing out at people for thinking that Jeff Kaplan Kaplan reviewing things himself is a step above a cs agent. The doublespeak he just pulled about multiple instead of several, which is a way to lie while telling the truth. Misleading.

Meanwhile the people who were innocent all wanted their accounts back, understood why people would have doubts but maintained their innocence, and were open and honest about both the contents of their customer service responses and their frustration over it.