TRANSITION - Server Downtime Hangout Thread

:musical_note: Sometimes goodbye is a second chance… :notes:

Howdy, friends! Welcome to the unofficial official server downtime hangout thread for the next 27+ hours, as Overwatch transitions to Overwatch 2. If you’re looking for a place to vent, post memes/gifs (or links to memes/gifs), or discuss with fellow players any topic (not just the ones related to Overwatch)…THIS IS YOUR THREAD!

Now, before we get rolling, a few ground rules:

1: If you post links, make sure you know where your link is going. Don’t be that guy who starts off OW2 with a permanent forum vacation because he posted a link to an adult website.
2: While most anything goes in this thread, remember that there are humans on the other side of the screen. Moderators reserve the right to remove posts at any time for any reason.
3: Kick back, relax, and have fun in this thread!

And now, let’s start the discussion. Let’s make our transition to the other side a little more fun. BEGIN!


anyone else think kiriko is just kinda lame. looks fun to play but design wise kind of boring


My last match before the servers went down was Eickenwalde. We won.

A nice memory to have.

Rest in peace Overwatch 1.

I wonder what will happen to the forums? Will there be an update? Will anything even happen?

It was fun while it lasted. We will miss you OW1. Another victim claimed by the CEO serial killer named Bobby Kotick.


its honestly quite depressing like what am i suppose to play this afternoon and tonight when im at my cousins

so the game is offline and OW2 comes online tomorrow night, right?

That’s the plan at least.

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I had some genuine fun with this game, warts and all. I share a lot of the disappointment and skepticism about OW2 but I’ll give it a shot. Thanks, all.

RIP mister Overwatch-man.

I booted up OW 5 minutes before the servers closed…

I got a “Thank you for reporting” screen and then the server shut down. Truly a surreal experience.

And by surreal experience I mean actually getting one of those thank you messages for once, lol.

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They will put a nice “2” next to the word “Overwatch” on the main forum page. :smiley:

Goodbye Overwatch (2016-2022)

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So sad that they took it down like 10+ minutes before the announced time. My wife forgot to buy her last skins with the credits we busted our a**es to rack up last night, try to sign in at 11:48AM EDT, “Game server connection failed” :sob:

Seriously, if y’all are gonna announce a deadline like that, at least err on the side of generosity if you’re going to be “approximate” about it?

It’s ramping up OW for the Naruto crossover.

It’s the first and only game where I felt blazingly angry for losing (a lot) and apologetic for winning. All when the only rewards were numbers and a random box of unlocks I didn’t appreciate much anyway.

Or, yanno, buy the content you want with the currency earned well in advance of the earliest end to the possibility of doing so? Just a thought.

There is even an offical message in the launcher now, that the servers are down until tomorrow…

Bye OW1 and bye Mercy OW1 :sob: :sob: :broken_heart: .

have a nice chat with the general for one last time

Going down in final top 500 spots,

424 baby

Congrats. I don’t play much comp myself so not nearly that high. Just playing placements here and there I only hit diamond. I just like to chill and qp.