Transferring PS4 to PC for OW2

So with OW2, unless I’m mistaken, you can transfer your progress (Skins, account etc) between platforms. In my case I want to do this from Playstation to PC. Back when the officer DVA event in Heroes of the Storm was around, I connected my PS4 profile to this account, which I then used for the two OW2 betas.

Once Overwatch 2 becomes available in like 7 ish hours, do I just need to log in on this account for my old skins to be transferred over? I’m aware from various PC free weekends that there is technically another profile this account has on PC. I was wondering what I need to do to be able to log into my old account.

I’ve read about a QR code thing that I would need to get from the Playstation to transfer it over. Is this still possible once OW2 goes live tonight or is my stuff permanently bound to my PS4?

Hopefully this will answer all your questions!