Tracer's nerf allows cheese strats

As the game changes, we want to complain that a hero that once countered someone, no longer does. Bastion still has plenty of counters, and the Tracer nerf invites better team play to deal with a Bastion rather than the standard - farm pulse bomb - kill, that’s it.

Which - IMO hasn’t been affected as much as you think. Let’s do some basic maths.

Bastion is stationary target and pretty big.
Tracer does 3-12 dmg per ‘shot’ (one shot from both guns)
She has 40 ammo per gun so let’s assume you get 0 headshots and get the minimum 3 damage.

3 x 40 = 120
Pulsebomb = 300

You should be able to easily pulse bomb a bastion, empty a clip and recall

Junkrat still makes Bastion an easy kill, other decent heroes against this comp are DVA, Sombra, and with good positioning Zen / Widow / Ana

Why you may not be able to as easily take out the Bastion now, Tracer is still just as good as ever at taking out other easy heroes.

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Have you tried shooting the bastion as well as bombing it? Stack the damage, dont rely on one ability. Use your recall at the end so you dont die or eat the death and regroup with the team


He has 30(it might be less) health if not being healed

How does that work? If pulse is 300 and ironclad is a 20% reduction, and he has 300 HP, that automatically leaves 60, even without accounting for armor.

I feel stupid, what is it I’m missing?

Edit: If he’s in Recon, then only the armor would count. That would leave him at 5 HP, I believe.

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explain how an ultimate where you have the literal highest mobility in the game for 15 seconds and encourages you to be as far up in the sky as you possibly can is riskier and more skillbased an an ult that 1: is close range and STILL difficult to hit even at its best range 2: you have to get up close to people as a 150 hp hero 3: also has you using most of your cooldowns to land more often than not 4: unlike valk, doesn’t have nearly guaranteed impact.
Valkyrie isn’t able to get bubbled, matrixed, blocked by barrier, and can preform its job as a 15 second mercy invulnerability button + AoE heals/attack increase every time as long as you dont turn off your brain. tracer ult can get bubbled, matrixed, blocked by barries, tracer can get 1 shotted and it will disappear, tracer can get stunned and it will disappear, and its impact is equal to that of a widowmaker head shot for much more effort than a widow headshot. go play the game a bit more and try to actually think about what goes into a play before arguing balance and ruining the game for everyone with your terrible “support heroes need to be able to do everything” mindset.


Oh no, Tracer can’t completely walk all over an F-tier hero anymore.

Blizzard this is PREPOSTEROUS.

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