Tracers Blink on PTR

The latest buff to Tracers Blink on the PTR in my opinion as well as many pro players is that its pretty broken. She shouldn’t be able to get to the high ledge on second point of Anubis… thats just insane.


Based on what they wrote in the patch notes, it seems blizzard didn’t understand what they were doing.



Someone predicted that the complain would start after people calmed down with Echo complaints.

But hey, this Tracer buff is good imo. It takes a while to master & know the spots where you can get to, there’s more counters to Widow too (not that these already excisted coughs)


I just think that it’s unnecessary tbh. Tracer is arguably the most balanced hero in the entire game. Also, a streamer tried out the buff on Anubis and got to high ledge on first try, so I dont think its that difficult to master tbh.


I get what they were going for but the problem is very simple. They allow her to go over things if she could jump over it FROM HER CURRENT HEIGHT but the problem is if you jump beforehand it does not factor in that you are jumping and calculates it as though you are not.

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Who was the streamer exactly?

And yes it is, unless you’re a big brain / high sr player only then, it takes less time to get used to.

this literally looks effortless.


You think?

We’re you even there to watch the full video, not just the clip. 1 small little clip doesnt prove anything how much time it took to practice to get the jump correct, over & over again.

Looks like Tracer is back on the menu.

this wasnt the person/clip i watched i cant remember their name so i just went on twitter and searched tracer ptr buff and found this video of a random player testing it. the amount of time it would probably take to “master” this change would probably be the amount of time it takes to master Mercy’s superjump if i’m being honest… which i mastered in literally 30 minutes.

The 2nd point of Anubis was already doable even before this buff. Though it’s slower to do in the current game than in this PTR patch.


there you go I changed it to say what you really meant


People are all overreacting to this. They can easily scale it down and only include the jump check on grounded blinks anyways.

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Yeah you can “wall climb” in some places by blinking against the wall, I can’t really see Tracer blinks being a huge problem that needs a fix to be more consistent tbh.

This gives Tracer unecessary extra mobility.

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It’s been barely anytime on the PTR. It’s not that hard to do, most likely.

I like the change but realistically it probably won’t take much adaption to severaly increase mobility. Now people doing roof surfing and all that, that’s a different story.

as it should be slower to do. Tracer should not be able to get to high ground easily at all.

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Looks kind of obnoxious in a sea of obnoxious heroes. She’ll fit right in and be a drop in the ocean.

what? Tracer is incredibly power in niche situations. She is 100% balanced and in no need of changes whatsoever. She has amazing damage potential and has a really good amount of survivability. All I’m saying is that she shouldnt be able to get onto high ground as easily as she can now on the PTR. Its unnecessary and kind of broken.

so is bastion.

so is reaper.

so is torb.

gonna advocate against buffing them?

it literally just makes blink more consistant.


Tracer is usable in more situations than the heroes you replied with. For example she has more mobility and survivability whereas the rest dont. Again, Tracer is balanced and you cannot deny that, that is why I’m against any buffs that may follow. That is a fact that I think most people agree with if not everyone. Torb Bastion Reaper are not balanced which is why I dont mind potential buffs for them.