Tracer Twitch drop problem

Same for me. Got 3rd tier drop on twitch an hour ago but only t1 and t2 sprays are unlocked in game.

Also the same issue for me

Same for me, Tier 3 still locked on PC game

Same problem, no Tier 3 reward in game

Same here. Got the notification on Twitch saying I earned them from Emongg’s stream… but they are still locked in-game.

I got both tier 1 and 2 sprays just fine but not tier 3. I am on PC btw.

Same problem. Tier 3 in unlocked on Twitch but in-game still locked.

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same happend to me as well i got the notification on twicht but no rank 3 sprays

Same for me as well. I hope this can be fixed soon! Only T1 and T2 in game, but Twitch says all 3 tiers are unlocked.

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I have the same problem, waiting for the fix.

Having the same problem.

Me too. Twitch panel shows that Tier 1, Tier 2 and Tier 3 are awarded, but in game only the first two tier sprays are unlocked.

Experiencing the same issue here guys!

I have the same issue as well!

same here on ps4 how will this be fixed?

Same problem here on PC.
Twitch says Tier 3 dropped 5 hours ago, but in the game it is still locked.

I am having the same problem with tier 3 sprays. it’s marked as complete in my twitch inventory page. but locked in-game

Also why Overwatch dev team didn’t move to the new twitch drop system? which allows us to see the progression of the drop by showing the percentage for each spray.

I hope the next twitch drop for overwatch will be implemented in the new twitch drop system.

I am having the same problem as well on XB1

same :cry: someone pls fix I want my voiced sprays

Can confirm left my twitch running overnight, woke up and still didnt have teir three sprays

It should unlock eventually and enough people are getting this problem so it needs to be addressed, might just be a verification issue, hopefully it’ll be fixed for everyone before the event ends so we don’t miss the chance to get them