Tracer Twitch drop problem

Same problem. Got everthing except tier 3.

Yeah, same problem here too (PC, EU). Unlocked on Twitch but still unavailable on game. I have also contacted the support about that and they confirmed me that there were other cases like mine. Probably we just need to wait (?).

Yeah I got the same problem it shows that i have unlocked Tier 3 sprays in Twitch but when i go on to OW it still says that the Tier 3 sprays are locked. (PC,EU)
I just hope they can sort out this problem.

I have this problem as well. All tiers are shown to be unlocked on Twitch but the tier 3 sprays are still locked in-game. (PC/OCE).

Want to leave this here for documentation purposes just in case.

Have same problem. Three sprays still locked. Opened it yesterday

For those who missed out:

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I have graffiti of the third level, but from each level there is only one piece of graffiti. :sweat_smile: (sorry my eng)

Same issue here as well.

yeah, watched a lot of hours on twitch, but didn’t get any notifications on twitch, same as in game

Same. Would’ve had all of these sprays within the first possible 6 hours of the challenge but they screw it up again.

Twitch isn’t saying I got the 3rd tier drops. but I’ve literally been watching streams all day on my second monitor. Got the first 2 just fine.

Also there is such a problem, does anyone know it will be solved?

Same problem. Got all rewards, but Tier 3 is locked in game.

I have the same issue, came across a few things saying the devs were looking into it and are working on a fix.

whoops, didn’t see everyone else’s response.

Same problem. Got everything except tier 3.

looked 6 hours, not a single graffiti

Same here, but Blizzard is currently fixing this.

Same, got the tier drop on twitch but not in game.

i have that same problem