Tracer shouldn’t be able to one clip a 200 hp hero

boi most tracers are trash on console diamond so I can’t imagine what they’re like in silver.

maybe don’t tunnel vision and you might actually reach gold instead of making excuses.

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because is not fun and have no counter play?

they said the same about roadhog

This. They think they can take on a team 1v6 in Platinum and feed ult charge in return by recalling and instead of backing away, just blindly running into the team again.

Tracer has always been a strong pick at the higher levels of play. Even saw her during triple tank. It’s true that she doesn’t see much play in the lower tiers but that’s because players down there struggle to manage her mobility.

Well if we are ignore skill in this argument, lets nerf Widowmaker. Why can she just 1 shot you from all the way across the map? At least Tracer has to be close to you to one clip you.

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yeah i dont see that post when i skimmed threw it
this is the first complaint i’ve seen so far second page first post complaining about bastion like i said.
https:// us.battle. net/forums/en/overwatch/topic/20744334244

Yeah, but some opinions are better than others. Your opinion seems to be based on anecdotal evidence and group think. This is a very weak opinion from where I stand.

Honestly, I don’t understand having strong opinions on balance, ever. Unless you have access to data across all levels, any one opinion is useless. When you combine that with the fact that most people form opinions based on emotion, and really have no idea what they’re talking about, it gets pretty hard to take seriously.

I’m a huge football fan. If you listen to the group think regarding a football players overall effectiveness, you’re almost assuredly wrong. Games like football and Overwatch have so many variables that it truly requires mastery to even begin to understand.

So I’m not saying you’re wrong, but I have zero reason to believe you’re right. If you’re going to make noise about this, I’d suggest finding a more convincing argument.

If you show me 100 clips of Tracers tearing you up, I bet I can find 95 of them with serious mistakes. And I’m not even that great.

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the point of a flanker is to flank and take out the key targets while the main dps deal with the tanks/ dps, also mcree and soldier can kill 200hp heroes just as fast should we nerf them too?

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Yes she should.
She’d be trash otherwise.

I would argue though that you could probably tweak her range a little to make her a bit less reliable.

Right now fall off starts at 11 metres and her range is 20.

Cut that to 9 and 18 and I think it’d put her in a better spot.

She shouldn’t be able to snipe people from 2nd story balconies and stuff.

With her mobility and recall, she should have to play in something only a little bigger than shotgun range.

There’s no stopping hostility on this forum, but not once did I ever blame Tracer for any of my problems, nor did I call her OP. I don’t believe she’s the reason I’m in silver, and I’m not ashamed of being in silver. It’s not like the forum needs to hear it, but I’m mostly in silver because I play casually, and again, I’m not ashamed of that. Overwatch is my first FPS.

The main reason for me, is that Tracer can operate at incredibly lethal speeds with minimal space needed to be created by her tanks. A hero like Reaper needs so much more space to even compare to what Tracer can do. Rank superiorist much?

I see what your trying to say. The problem though is that Tracer has a far more powerful and universal kit. Tracer has a near limitless skill ceiling. In the higher tiers this boils games down to who has the better Tracer player. The higher tiers have been in a Tracer meta since season one. Remember how everyone hated Mercy meta? At masters and up Tracer is the same as Mercy was.

Yeah, except that Tracer is far better at killing tanks and dps than any other dps hero.

This is a very arrogant way of thinking.

Is not, and your opinion is as weak to me as mine is to you to be honest.

Again another arrogant way to dismiss the opinions of others instead of trying to understand them.

No argument would ever convince you, it is always like that and i don’t really mind, i’m not here to convince you or anyone, i already know that that won’t happen because different people have different opinions and no matter how much i explain my position and opinion to you, the result will be the same, you are not the first person i have debated this with and you will certainly not be the last. I’m here to express my opinion on the matter and have a discussion about it.

No, I’m bringing rank into this because I have almost twice your SR and tracer is a little UP most of the time. How is Tracer OP at your level of play then?

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difference is her reload is insanely fast and all the characters you listed are using ABILITIES…she is just shooting her primary weapon

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so? 3 second cooldowns aren’t that different. If you want to balance based of off primary fires then I guess lucio needs major buffs right?

When did I say she was OP?

Didn’t bother reading the rest cause of this sentence, you asking for a nerf to benefit you.

At no rank at any time is Tracer ever underpowered. Ever.

That’s just you being bias.

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-Arguably the most horizontally mobile hero in the game
-Built in sustain in her kit that adds to mobility

-150hp, only baby compares to hp that low
-Aside from her ult she can only deal damage with her guns

One-clipping on tracer is arguably the closest she’ll get to other heroes chaining damaging abilities correctly. The question is if it’s that easy to set up a 1-clip kill vs setting up a 1-combo kill on similar heroes.

But I also don’t know her current damage, if it is markedly less than 1-clip to kill with bodyshots alone then maybe it’s too much. But if it’s closer to requiring the full clip without headshots then that should give a decent window for most players to react unless the tracer can land mostly headshots.

tracer has to track and aim to get that off