Tracer needs actual nerfs

I don’t care that she’s going to be worse against armored heroes, almost none of the heroes have any armor. Even amongst tanks, nearly half the roster has no armor. Give her an actual substantial nerf, please.


It’s not even about her being good vs. Tanks. It’s about her being good vs. everyone and making half of the Support role unplayable together with Sombra.


I doubt they ever will. They have made it clear she’s their favorite. If it’s not Tracer as #1, it’s Sojourn. Those two are never allowed to not be too strong. :l They will give them slaps on the wrist while hitting heroes below them with nerfs harder to ensure the gap is wide.


Yeah… when I hear a few people say that the next patch is a major tracer nerf, I’m sitting here wondering how often does a tracer even focus a tank when there are perfectly delectable squishies right there. Especially considering she has the best mobility in the game


Well someone like Brig will probably be able to counter her a bit more. Just her natural armor will be good but her ult will be very strong vs Tracer as well.


Tracer is by far the strongest dps and boosted.


Brigitte only has 50 armor and her ult and packs no longer grants armor. I don’t think it will make a substantial enough difference to really hurt Tracer in any meaningful way.


Trust me it will. One of the reasons OW1 Brig felt way better vs Tracer was the extra survivability armor gave her against Tracer + the armor passively regening from inspire. It’s obviously not as big of a counter as old launch Brig. But if a Tracer is giving you trouble in the new patch then Brig will be a much better option than she is now.

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it’s not even tracer herself. it’s the dps passive when given to tracer. She destroys the supports to the point where ur stuck pocketing ur other support but as soon as the enemy team dives or rushes in ur whole backline every1 just topples over. I Really think Tracer just benefits too much from the dps passive and either needs a reduction in it exclusively or just give her the reload one again instead. It’s too obnoxious


Tracer has always been broken with 6 damage so no.

Her ult does give her armour it was changed when they reworked it to have the big shield and the stun.

She doesn’t give her allies armour though, only overhealth.

no if anyone needs a nerf its 76 his damage is way to freaking high and its higher than Tracer

Ah, I see what’s being said here. Still, we’re talking about less than an 100 EHP boost to a specific character and only when they use their ultimate. The point is that Tracer needs general changes, but everything being done to address her is niche and ineffectual.

76 is strong but nowhere near as uncounterable as Tracer or Sojourn

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The armor nerfs are pretty substantial though. Why don’t you at least see how much this shakes up the meta because it’s going to be drastic.


Honestly I’d rather the dev team try to address problems rather than creating new ones. The armor changes will make Tracer worse at tank busting, but will introduce a whole host of new problems for characters like Reaper. At some point the balance team needs to consider fixing the game instead of shaking it up.


More specifically, almost none of the heroes she’s problematic against have armour.

They’ll never do that because that means admitting a certain format was a mistake.

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She’ll get real nerfs when she’s “op” outside of top 1%.

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Totally not biased at all are we “Tracer34”?

Just become a moira main, they take about as much skill to play as each other now.

why is it when i play tracer im aalwasy tpyically melted by 76 op damage…aimbotters love 76 becuase his damage is way to freaking high