Tracer is unhealthy for the game

If you see it happen once it doesn’t matter that her win rate is 48%

That one time means she is broken. People don’t get Tracer isn’t the reason their stuck in gold.

What is balanced is pressing Q and killing 3 enemy teammates with some other heroes ult. /faceplam


Tracer is fine now

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If a player is SOOO much better than your whole team that you are helpless against them that is just a case of bad match making.

Yeah it happens some times, but Most Heroes that take skill have the ability to do the same thing.

Hanzo, Widow, McCree, Genji, DoomFist, ect, ect can all pop off if their enemy team is much worse than them.

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Pretty sure the OP is saying that Tracer’s existence caused issues like Brig being added.


You’re not reading. I specifically said "Being good at a hero, even if it’s a difficult hero, shouldn’t mean you’re completely uncontestable, even by other skilled players."

That was Tracer’s problem. And I’m not even talking about matching, I’m talking about GM and Pro Leagues in the early days. I’m talking about teams where every single player is as skilled as they can possibly be, struggling to counter Tracer. Which was what happened until pros started adopting cheese metas.

If it is not tracer, It is widow.
If it is not widow it is hanzo.
If it is not hanzo it is NanoBlade ect ect.

Brig wan’t added as a tracer specific counter tho but, as a counter for dive as a whole. And she’s not even the reason why dive was strong, the tanks were.

I just want her last fall off buff to be reverted. It basically made it so tracer can easily take on her counters like mccree and brig. Mobility and high burst damage is not good balance.

Eh. It’s mostly just Tracer and Widow. Most other heroes get nerfed back into line if they’re singlehandedly overpowering pro teams.

Yeah, so it is just a bunch of tanks and healers slapping each other great we took out the skill.

Yeah sadly we can’t have a lot of stuff in the game like a proper cleanse because of how broken that would make tracer.

tracer is the best hero to play as and against in the game. No matter how strong she is if theres a moment where shes bad or unplayable the game wen’t in the wrong direction


Ya she is incontestable if u cannot aim lol. Just shoot her, it’s the same as doom or genji

Widow and Tracer aren’t the only skilled heroes in the game.

since role i have never ever gotten rekt by tracer ever

also never had a team tracer that carry

i think she fine

im only on high plat / low diamond though

I’ve heard this exact line for so many heroes, it pretty much sounds meaningless to me.

Widow is so OP your only choice is to have one of your own and pray that they’re better…
Hanzo is so OP your only choice is to have one of your own and pray that they’re better…
Doom is so OP your only choice is to have one of your own and pray that they’re better…
Ana is so OP your only choice is to have one of your own and pray that they’re better…
Reindhardt is so OP your only choice is to have one of your own and pray that they’re better…
Orisa is so OP your only choice is to have one of your own and pray that they’re better…
Sigma is so OP your only choice is to have one of your own and pray that they’re better…

See how meaningless that is?

Thing is, Overwatch’s whole point is having ridiculous abilities like super high speed movement, recalling back time, releporting, flying and so on, while STILL being an FPS/shooter game. Tracer is the very definition of what Blizzard wanted OW to be. Otherwise you wont have ridiculous heroes doing ridiculous stuff and you end up with a skinned CS clone like Valorant.

Pretty much this, cool heroes are gutted for no real reason but people bringing up “frustrating” and “Once mastered, can’t be contested” while McMachinegunKellyCree seems to be fine for’em together with Ashe

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Maybe, the rise of Tracer has happened, and the rise of Genji is about to happen. Mobility is about to become crazy strong again.

Brig was meant to be a self-sufficient, defensive support. In other words: Brig’s design was meant to deter dive comps/strategies.

You’re incorrectly interpreting the mechanics of an entire strategy to one hero. That strategy is quick, decisive engagements focused on securing one, maybe two kills before the enemy can respond and turn the fight into a balanced 6v6 brawl. Brig was designed to survive in engagements like that meaning she needed to be solid against diving tanks and fast-moving DPS.

That means she’s meant to stand (if only momentarily) against a slew of characters, not just Tracer; Winston, DVa, Ball, Genji, DF, and to an extent Reaper (not really a dive hero but a threat Brig can deal with nonetheless).

Furthermore, Tracer is quite unforgiving. If you don’t have good movement, good CD management, AND good aim, you’re a massive feed and your team is essentially 5v6.