That’s right. A whole hero is unhealthy for the game. And not like Doomfist or Widow, who can delete you in under a second but are manageable via balance changes. No, Tracer is fundamentally unhealthy for the game.
For one, she is “balance by extremes” concept. Smallest hitbox, smallest health pool, one of the best mobility tools in the game with a pathetically low 3-seconds cooldown, and good burst damage on top of that. These characteristics are already a sign of a problematic hero, but the worst part is…
…she’s the baseline for game balance. And this has done the game more harm than good. If you have the slightest idea of how to play Tracer, she’s uncontested; if you master her, she’s unstoppable. She was dominating high ranks to such degree people had to either go Tracer themselves (and hope they’ve got a better one) or pick a beefy full-cheese composition like Quad tanks and ignore her altogether.
The addition of Brigitte further shows how problematic Tracer is for the whole game. Release Brig was extremely strong because of Tracer, every single tool she had was meant to deal with all problems Tracer brought. Even now, when Brigitte was severely toned down, she’s still targeted for nerfs. Why? Because apparently her Armor packs work extremely well on Tracer. Any other game developer would’ve said “okay, Tracer is the problem here, we’re nerfing her next”. Not the case here, it’s Brigitte who’s getting nerfed soon.
And this has been happening for every other hero who could counter Tracer or keep her in check. Sombra and her Hack, Torbjorn with his Turret and right-click, Symmetra with auto-aim on her M1, Moira, even McCree to some extent.
Pick any other hero as a balancing baseline and the game is healthier already. Tracer isn’t, and the game would’ve been better with her nerfed or reworked a bit, like Blink being a “dodge the next damage instance” but a single ability on a 4-6 seconds cooldown. In her current state the game breaks when Tracer becomes meta.
TL; DR is in the title.