Tracer is straight in China

I just thought this was funny.

pRoGrEsSiVe cOmPaNy

It’s funny how they bothered to make that Russian page for the Tracer comic about how it was blocked there to make themselves look good but god forbid they do anything to make their Chinese overlords look bad so they mysteriously didn’t get a page at all.


Straight as a rainbow :laughing:


we should go to weibo and spam the comic panel


How do you know?

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They never bothered to translate the comic in China, same with 76.

Anyways I wonder which character is gonna be revealed to be gay in the west to cover for this recent mess.


Isn’t there a line where she says if she has time to meet/visit Emily? was that removed or assume China doesn’t see much of it

To be honest, all heroes in game itself are straight, or game would be banned in few places.

Game is not connected to lore outside of one event a year…

That line might means nothing, she could say the same about someone who is her friend…


so blizzard will support homophobia when it suits their wallet… how typical.


76 also, not only Tracer.

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I don’t know about you, but I have friends visit me. They’re the same gender as myself. But I’m not gay. I just like hanging out with my friends.

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lol someone aught to animate Mei doing falun gong lol that would be funny X3
oh wait even better… have a army of skeletons doing it in the background with her…
(because they had to sensor that out of wow because chinese censurship is insane…. skeletons… i mean seriously… what do they do in archeology documentaries pixilate the remains?)

Which I understand, was just asking is all, often censorships tend to remove lines for certain countries.

That’s really not the case though. In China, they just didn’t move the comic over. They didn’t change anything in the game to change the characters.


You know what, fair. I don’t think they changed the line, but even if the line is there, it doesn’t change anything really.

still they feel they need to protect the sensetive chinese from the scarry lesbians and the gays or they fear getting the game banned… that suggest homophobia somewhere…

I don’t agree. It’s the politics in China, and not fighting for something that doesn’t help you is not the same as being against the thing you aren’t fighting for.


Context is key. It’s funny how they bothered to make that Russian page for the Tracer comic about how it was blocked there to make themselves look good but god forbid they do anything to make their Chinese overlords look bad so they mysteriously didn’t get a page at all.

They clearly passed up the social presence associated with new comics in China in order to create comics that would only appear in the US.

Don’t pretend the company can make any decision they want to here. They could have made these comics available in China if they didn’t include any LGBT representation. Instead they chose to make comics that couldn’t be available in China, in order to tell these stories to people elsewhere in the world.

So yes, progressive company.


I don’t agree. It’s the politics in China, and not fighting for something that doesn’t help you is not the same as being against the thing you aren’t fighting for.

that sentance made no god damned sense what so ever!

maybe you can put in some more double negatives just for the heck of it.,…


How do I explain this… Do you actively fight whaling and dog fighting?
I don’t, but that doesn’t mean I’m in favor of those things. They’re horrible.
In the same way, not fighting against something, doesn’t mean you’re in favor of it.