Tracer is straight in China

Sadly I cannot insert link on this forum to back me up, but please just search up 守望先锋漫画映像 on baidu for the comic and Chinese players’ discussions about it, and check out Overwatch’s offical Chinese web for the novel, or search 《猫神》— 全新短篇小说 on baidu.

Meh…starting to be boring ( these threads)
If ye wanna boycot then do it,but leave the forums free.

Got you fam.

At least that is what I got searching for that on said website

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Sadly I cannot insert link on this forum to back me up, but please just search up 守望先锋漫画映像 on baidu for the comic and Chinese players’ discussions about it, and check out Overwatch’s offical Chinese web for the novel

I just did and… Overwatch has comics apparently??

Rein and Brigitte rising a personal army? :sob:

So Tracer’s girlfriend is Moira?

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Thank you so much! It’s really frustrated to me that many people just makes assertion without knowing much context.

Hehe you did not know? Yeah there has been a few. A lot less recently sadly

Nope :confused:
All my dreams are wrecked :sob:

This is why when people whine and cry about things in the U.S. like no gay president (yet) that I kind of roll my eyes… if you knew how things really are in these other regions, like the Middle East, parts of Africa or China… you might realize how good it really is here and sometimes ease up on the quibbling.

No that’s Emily:joy:, not Moira.

yeah dude we should totally ease up while influential people in America are threatening to shoot anyone who teaches gay acceptance and get away with it

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Go to extremes much to make a point? Its about what’s relatively true… get off your high horse.

Thats Rein reading to a buncha Torbs grandkids, Brig is his youngest child lol
And thats Tracers girlfriend Emily, she has a spray of her in game

There hasnt been a new comic since 2018 i believe , but you can find most of them on the overwatch website for free

How about you go feed some starving children in Africa instead of complaining about a post on a video game forum?

See I can argue like a moron too.

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There’s nothing “moronic” about pointing out relative degree of issues and a response. How about YOU do the same? The irony of criticizing me for reminding people how good they really do have it … LMAO…

Yes it actually is moronic. There is even a name for it.

It’s called the fallacy of relative privation.

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It’s funny how Pokemon and a number of Japanese themed things had frequently had Buddhist influences in it, but Everytime they’ve included the Manji symbol, the US has been really hard on censorship to say, “You gotta remove that.” Because people confuse it with a infamous swastika… So… Your point?

Look - there is no question homosexuals have it better in the West in general… and many other issues as well. Sometimes it keep things in perspective to remember that - there is nothing wrong with pointing that out. Its called maintaining perspective.

Its not making it “better” to compared it to something worse, OTOH its a categorical fact that in other parts of the worlds its a crime to be homosexual and allowed violence is fact. You don’t like the fact everyone doesn’t hold it up the same way in all cases in the U.S. or Europe doesn’t change the fact that its far more accepted.

Telling homosexuals in the west to stop complaining because homosexuals in other places have it worse is nothing short of moronic and a textbook example of the fallacy of relative privation.

Sorry but that’s how it is.

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Realize that Blizzard itself is owned by Activision. Tencent Games, a Chinese Company owns stock in Activision (roughly 5% which was worth in the billions, so while 5% seems small, the billions aren’t anything to scoff at).

When you have a shareholder who has to be answered to from another country, it isn’t uncommon for companies to change the way they are marketed (this includes movies, comics, shows, and more).

Do i wish that the comic didn’t have to be changed? Sure.

But don’t place this squarely on Blizzard’s shoulders either.

Point your finger at the meta-corporation that owns them, the one that is truly calling the shots for everything Blizzard is doing, right at Activision.

Truthfully though, realize that this happens all the time as I alluded above. US made movies end up with different cuts, comics have changes, different commercials for products, and on it goes. Cutting out a peg which shows Tracer as gay isn’t a unique phenomenon for such things in China.

So if you really want to blame someone, blame multitude of US companies that have business with a foreign power that has such a hardline against many human rights. Blame governments which don’t pressure such a country to change their ways or cut them off. After all, so many companies outside of China have Chinese companies owning stake in them, but many use their labor, have contracts with companies for their products and or labor.

Getting all righteous over a comic page is flatly ridiculous when, if you bother to consider the things you own, which in a manner support companies that in turn profit from dealings with this other country, to the way governments only seek to leverage how much their gnp benefits from trade deals, instead of truly caring and doing something about the issues of human rights that this one, little comic page barely manages to be included by its context.

No one said stop complaining - I said “quibble” at every little nuance. Big difference. You are simply misapplying the whole concept of “relative privation”.