Tracer is not OP - I cracked the code

So after thinking for a long time on this, I actually agree with the people that say Tracer is not OP. But there’s an underlying fact they always go over.

Everybody else is just weak. So don’t nerf Tracer, just buff everybody else to her level.

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Her kit is pretty OP if used right but the main problem is no character can reliably shut her down.


The pro scene even has Tracerology. Those that play her dedicate their lives to playing her only, mastering her. Teams are desperately looking for Tracer players if they don’t have one.

I watched a bunch of interviews with pros and casters, and most of them pretty much share the “Tracer has no true counter” sentiment.


Brigitte has the most reliable kit for shutting down Tracer. Her Mace + Shield Bash + Whip combo does exactly 150 damage, so Tracers must be extra careful when engaging her.

McCree on the other hand… well his flashbang hit-reg is broken to hell, and Tracer can easily exploit this inconsistency using her blinks.

Power creep.


CC Technically exists, therefore Tracer can exist.

But only those skilled enough can get the most value out of her. Whats wrong with that?

Plats/Golds love complaining about Tracer, acting as if they come across T500 tracers, in their matches. No …just no. They come across Tracers at their skill level, but as soon as they die, its automatically a hero issue and not a player issue.

Some random tom,dick or harry cant pick up tracer and automatically do work. Her true value comes from skill, hencewhy shes number 1 dps in GM.

Yeah. Give bastion an eyelid so he can blik as well.

The only real counter to Tracer is the player playing Tracer.
Good Tracer>bad Tracer

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I like to think of Tracer like the Scottish football team, Celtic. Tracer is the best DPS, Celtic is the best Scottish team, but in both cases it’s because everyone else is garbage and can’t beat them, not because they themselves are any good.

Actually, Tracers at our level suck. Smurf Tracers we encounter though, nothing can be done. I mean, we can use barriers, or try to dive or just generally focus on any other hero, but Tracer? Nope, nothing, no recourse for anything. Just stop, give up, practice a new hero, whatever.

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Funny man Geoff.
'Weak to stun effects?"
How is she weak when i stun her in one place, but she, blinks somewhere else WHILE SHE IS STUNNED!
Its always fun to lose a ability on 10 CD and then get melted.
The game code favors her A LOT!

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Thats exactly my point. The tracers most of the playerbase come across are not even that good! Very predictable, make way more mistakes, poor blink managment, wonky aim (here and there) So if youre coming across these tracers that suck, but still manage to constantly kill you, why does that automatically become a hero issue and not a player one?

Yeah smurfs exist which is a bummer, cant say much on that one.

If you’d actually player her you realise its not like that whatsoever. Too many times, you blinked but still died but on the killcam, you didnt blink at all. Other times you 100% pressed E to recall, does the animation, but you still die as if you never even pressed recall whatsoever. Her and Genji and Mei are probably heroes affected by latency the most. Press E does the animation, goes on cooldown, but still get hooked through deflect/cryofreeze.

Trust me, the favour the shooter mechanic doesnt favour her.

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It’s kind of an exponential power gain though, that’s the problem. So a smurf on McCree, Widow, 76, as are popular, they can be a problem but there are ways you can cope to blunt their impact whatever rank they come from. Even a Genji you can chase off with Winston, or try to do what you can between Dragonblades. Tracer is just something else entirely though, there is literally nothing you can do about her. I feel like that is a problem, because it is one totally unique to her.

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But again, thats mainly because that person is a smurf. A player issue. I get what youre saying though. But that problem, solely exists because of said player queuing in ranks they clearly dont belong in.

They nerfed that long ago. Tracer can just blink/recall before death. She also needs to get very close to get stunned.