Tracer Has No REAL Counter

Tracer also has the highest mobility, a recall and decent damage.

Out of all the heroes, Tracer never been actually nerfed properly and was buffed on top of it.

Tracer being sideline right now is because there are stronger options. If all other hitscans was tuned down, Tracer is gonna come back right again since she’s been nearly untouched and is still strong.


I regret checking general. The first 3 posts I’ve checked out have all been scuffed.
Tracer isn’t broken. If you can’t hit her, that’s on you.
You don’t need to stun her to kill her.

No. Dive was the reason for brig. That’s it. It was meta for too long and they wanted to put an end to it.
If there was no tracer, there would still be dive.

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I always thought Junkrat had an edge on Tracer. One grenade shot will force a recall, and if he’s damage boosted (or Tracer is discorded), he can one shot Tracer with a single grenade. Smart Tracer’s watch the ground to look for traps around the corner, but in a 1v1, Junk can throw down the trap as a defensive move to limit Tracer’s mobility, or serve as a distraction.

Don’t get me wrong, it’s pretty tough to hit a Tracer with a single grenade, but just being able to put Tracer at critical health with one shot holds a lot of leverage over her. Also, she can’t really do much about Pharah given the spread of her pistols and the fall off damage, so there’s that…

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y-your joking right?

Phara: am I a joke to you?
Note that countering doesn’t mean having an easy time DELETING the hero from the game. I’m pretty sure Phara raining her large splash-dmg missiles will keep Tracer from harassing her countered picks. Not to mention any tank won’t bother with her, especialy those like Roadhog and Zarya.

I knew I recognized it. Just threw me off since it was in a gif format.

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Well she does.


I’ll do you one better.


if u actually have a problem with tracer right now, you’re just bad at the game.


yeah like who tf is brig amirite

Rubbish. As bad as I am with her, and as tilted as I get by Smurfs using her, I really don’t think at this point she’s a problem.

We can’t be nerfing heroes because smurfs.




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Tracer engages Soldier on highground
What’s going on?

  • Tracer = Blinks and Rewind.
  • Soldier = Rocket and medi-station.

Her power is basically blinking to reposition. It really come down to both readjusting aim at each other. Also if she uses rewind to heal there goes her escape.

That’s just one mash up, her power is to make other people re-aim while she does the same. I can see how if you have potato aim that’s an issue, but that’s more about the player’s level of control, not the heroes being used (aka: got out played).

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Beyond maybe genji, she is the hardest character to hit wit the least predictability.



tracer is kinda limited to 4600 in the past, but with the addition of echo and brig synergising with tracer echo more than countering it LUL, basically yea tracer is the best hero in the game again once OP echo gets toned down slightly

This has always been known tho. Tracer is the best character in the game when maximised hands down. All of the balance problems in the game; bastion, widow, dva, rein, brig, zen… theyre all critically informed- dependent even- on tracer’s role in the macro balance of the game. Ive always said and still believe that they needed to nerf/rework tracer’s playstyle back in season 8 when it became clear that the people who had perfected her were just categorically unstoppable, but they decided to release brig instead

they made moira to counter tracer but she couldn’t. It took a creature as monstrously broken in a million different ways to stop tracer. Literally everything apart from OG valk that has been unhealthy in this game is dependent on tracer.

Its not necessarily a problem because she’s so high skill, promotes fast and fun gameplay, etc. She’s really only truly Overpowered when you’re in the top 0.01% of skill distribution. However, trickle down balance and meta has always prevailed in ladder play, and ladder is the most played mode by far…

Perhaps, if a hero will always have to be most strong at the top, it should be tracer, because she represents the best of what overwatch has to offer, and is arguably peak skill. However, this causes immense frustration for everyone who doesn’t enjoy the hero, because they are effectively wasting their time as a competitive player for not learning the best character.

I strongly recommend if you are a dps main to one trick or hardmain tracer. Overall she is and will always be the most rewarding hero in the game even if not meta for a while

Once brig gets toned down in repair pack /rally, which should be coming soon,and dva gets matrix reverts & able to eat sigma rock, it’ll be game over. Even a s is, shes one of the top5 dps for pros right now, where brig has a 100% pickrate…………

She still absolutely WRECKS ladder

go learn tracer gg ez HOIYA

Use Helix Rockets with Soldier. You hit her 76% of the times. The CD has been decreased as well.

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I wish I was good with her. I think I was able to do her ult like 3 times over hundreds of hours. Haha… Man do I suck with Tracer.

moira and winston???(also if you can easily counter tracer with mccree flashbang and quick headshot)

Tracer has counters, just not hard counters.
No hero in the game should have hard counters, that’s bad game design.


This is always my go-to for countering enemy Tracers who are better than me at the Tracer 1v1. :joy:

I’m legally blind and have crap aim, so if I can predict Recall / Blink and Helix her to the face, then I don’t see why most people can’t.

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