Tracer Has No REAL Counter

Here’s how to do it with every character in the support category.

Lucio: Boop her when she starts shooting, it will throw off her aim for the clip (most Tracer’s follow a pattern of blink, then shoot, so look to boop when she blinks). Aside from that you should win most duels because of your slippery hitbox and sustain.

Brig: Use armor pack. Congratulations the enemy Tracer is throwing. And if you somehow still have trouble then try whip shotting right when she starts shooting, you will likely hit her, proc inspire, and force her to recall/retreat.

Mercy: Using GA and superjump you should be able to get out of her effective range easily, and if she continues to chase you she will have to expend lots of resources to do so, and your teammates will have a much easier time killing her.

Moira: If she starts attacking you… fade away. Your effective range is longer than hers and if things get dicey just throw an orb.

Ana: A harder match-up to be sure, but if you use sleep dart when they start shooting you will force them to blink away giving you time to get help from your team. Never use bio nade against a Tracer that isn’t in your face, they will always dodge it. If you get the sleep on a Tracer, make sure to wait three seconds before waking her up, and use a primary fire to do it, then when she recalls to the same spot hit her with the primary/nade combo. Or better yet, grab literally anyone on your team and have them one-shot her.

Baptiste: If they have pulse bomb make sure not to use it, and if you are forced to, let your team know that there is a pulse bomb and you don’t have IF for it. Other than that regen boost and the threat of you one tapping her with three headshots should make her think twice before jumping you as long as your aim is good.

Zen: Lmao, who plays Zen? Anyways, don’t discord her because you aren’t likely to kill her without two headshots, so keeping it on the enemy Rein will get you much more value.


Bean here all along!

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Youre forgetting her biggest counter.



Facts let me hit the smallest hitbox in the game, teleporting around every 3 seconds real quick.

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worth adding that you should save at least one of her cooldowns if you know the enemy team has a tracer. if you aren’t, you’re making yourself an easy target. watch how ml7 does it - unless he’s sure he will turn a cooldown into a kill, he will almost always save one if an enemy tracer can reach him by the time he has a cooldown back

it really isn’t that hard, my support is trash but it’s easy for me to keep tracer’s off of me and my team because i know the matchup from the other perspective

She can easily blink off a cliff.

There, one of the counters!

Now hacks, rockets, flash bombs, earth shatters, genji right click and blink, turrets from torb and sym, trap, one punch man, her own cooldowns, her 150hp health, bastion, brig’s whip, hooker’s hook, are just small real counters.

Good tip, I’m not the greatest Ana so I’ll keep that in mind.

Look at me.

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90k healing/armor/sustain comps pretty much make her useless, not even talking about 6k sr player aka torb’s turret

Have you tried, Mei, Moira, Reinhardt, Winston , torb, brig, or pharah? I’ve only seen a handful of useful tracers in my time playing this game and far fewer who were actual assets to their team.

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a lot counters tracer though. To name a few torb, crew, hog, tracer, moira, brig, mei, pharah, and echo all either have kits to stop her or can distance themselves where they have the upper hand against her.

But a lot of tracer play is reaction, timing, and resource management. If you waste your boinks and recall you will be easy to deal with if you leave yourself in a bad situation. Also tracer is healthy because she is one of the few hero’s that demand mechanical skill as well as good timing and target priority to be effective.

Of course the people who are upset with her are ones who were given ez mode hero’s to deal with her and they exploited them and now that brig and moira require thought to play tracer mains are actually better for having had to play around all the cc and bs mechanics they had that they now are more effective e now that those abilities are no longer crutches to deal with tracers.


didnt the old mei counter her pretty well with her freeze being more instant? plus torb and symmetras turrets work well against her and maybe junk trap a bit less tho. only heroes i see who actually would give tracer a headache

good sombras and mccrees have to be fast with there hack and cc tho

Not a good hero atm and definitely don’t have any intentions on playing her in her current state. (or in any state for that matter)

Don’t really play support, but when I do sure moira works. Barely. Against a tracer who apparently can’t aim sure.

Don’t play tank.

A lock on ability is about the only thing stopping her.

Easy to avoid as tracer if she knows what she’s doing.

What is a pharah going to do against tracer. She can’t kill you but you can’t really kill her neither.

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Brig was but then she became “unfun” and nerfed.


Yea I dont think she has any hard counters, but Tracer seems really into Steel Traps. I could put one on a lamp post and some Tracer will somehow get caught in it.

Tracer counter = Aim

That was Mercy’s counter too in regards to complaing about rez.

Now she stands near stationary and vulnerable and people still can’t kill her in teamfight. Lolz


Man if you can’t kill tracer with torb or pharah I feel bad for you. Especially now that rockets are faster and she has little way to even get close to pharah. Also if you can’t hit tracer with your right click as torb I still have no idea what to say.

Also Mei is still viable in slowing her down and at least forcing her to retreat. Bare minimum she should be able to slow her long enough for any team member to get picks.

Also from the way it sounds you are picking things she is good at killing. Frankly not sure what to tell you since she has never been a problem for me to fight at all.

Tracer counter = heals, awareness and aim

Where did I say “I can’t kill a tracer as torbjorn”

  1. Why in the blue hell are you going for tracer as pharah.
  2. You’ll get shut down by the plenty amounts of hitscans in the game.
  3. Again I say. Smallest hitbox, one of the best mobility tools in the game on 3 second cooldowns.

It’s an f-ing shotgun with a ridiculous spread… WHO is MISSING with a SHOTGUN. Also tracer’s hitbox is the smallest, most of the pellets from torb’s shotgun will miss unless you’re literally inside of her. Which any tracer will just, not let that happen.

I’m not saying mei couldn’t in theory counter her. My point is in her current state, she’s a throw pick.

Well then what I pick cree and she just dodges my flash anyway?

I pick pharah and she just dodges my rockets anyway as I get headshotted by the enemy ashe 20 times in a row?

I pick sombra and provide nothing to my team other than hacking the tracer?

I pick mei and be a detriment to my team by simply playing mei?

The problem isn’t that I struggle against her. It’s when you learn tracer, nothing can stop you. It’s so easy to avoid your counters when you’re the smallest hitbox in the game with one of, if not the BEST mobility in the game on 3 second cooldowns. All of her “counters” are just soft counters. Not much to do anything other than mildly inconvenience her. Her blinks make it so everything is just a game of luck and prediction against her.