"Tracer has no Counters"

No one recalls at 1 health. Also, I do think her ult charge needs a nerf. Definently not the ult itself though.

I’d tell you if 80percent of your points weren’t invalid. 10 percent of that is still to be seen with Brigette

Doomfist counters Tracers? It’s the other way Tracers counters Doomfist like pretty much every other heroes does to him.

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Of course not, its an unlikely situation but all I said was an effective 299 max hp if you can get it to that point. Its not going to happen often, at most you’ll likely get 267-280 max effective hp.

Oh yes I forgot about Sombra

Reaper: No. Tracer will obliterate reaper in any duel with her superior range and small hitbox. Reaper will only win in the rare circumstance that the situation is in his favor and the Tracer has no awareness.

Roadhog: That’s fair, but Hog also feeds an ***ton of ult charge to Tracer and she can harass the hell out of him for 8 seconds if he misses his hook.

Genji: Genji and Tracer duels are even. But he doesn’t counter her at all.

Zarya: What? No.

Zenyatta: Zen is by far the easiest hero to 1-clip

Mei: just click on her head LOLLLL

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Come on…


She has 150 plus a potential reset.

While those combined CAN hit “299!”… good luck timing in so you lost exactly 149 hp in less than the last 3 seconds.

I promise you a tracer who took a melee and was going “I’m fine I’m good I don’t need to recall just yet”, then takes a single body shot from hanzo isn’t going to be going “but I had 299 EFFECTIVE hp! Jeff please!”

Or a junk rat mine to the chest.

Or a…

This “but she has effectively 299 hp!” Undermines what’s she actually has, and lacks the context of what she really has.

150 plus a potential 3 second reset.

Reaper has some chances due to lifesteal. God I wish they buffed it, Zarya has some ways if you can soak damage and try to laser her out.

Zen can be a winner if it’s long range nice predictions.

Mei can be nice to actually win tracer with there’s a fine way to try. as it worked for me in certain duels.

The moment you hit 120 hp as Tracer you’re debating the recall or madly sprinting to a health pack. 120 is where all the screaming and the dying starts and it only takes a melees worth of damage to get you there.

tell me about it …

The hell is wrong with saying 299 effective hp? its not literal. Its a bloody statistical value. Thats before factoring in every other variable overwatch throws at you.

As I stated above, its most likely that you’ll get around 265-280 roughly if you’re good at recalling at the right time, and also given you don’t die too quickly.

Because it’s devoid of the context of what’s she actually has.

She only “effectively” has 299 hp in one very specific situation- if she’s loses 149 go in less than three seconds and hits recall. But that doesn’t sound as powerful or rom off the tongue as well.

150 + a chance to reset 3 seconds. That’s what she actually has.

It’d be like saying “Orisa has an EFFECTIVE hp of over 530!”


She does.

If we’re talking about tracer hitting her.

If we’re talkong about… say. Pharah? It’s 410 hp. Widow land a couple quick headshots? 405 “effective” hp.

Assuming she’s not using fortify. Then it gets even trickier.

Again though. Tracer only has an “effective” hp of 299 in one very specific very rare situation.

It just sounds stronger tonday it that way.

So people do.

She gets a 3 second reset.

It’s not devoid of anything. Its “effective health” because she doesn’t have the health until she uses the ability. You’re arguing for no reason.

I have over 60 hours on doomfist and almost 40 of it is in comp. Doomfist is not a tracer counter. He’s a better tank counter than a flanker counter. Also please don’t embarrass yourself by saying I’m too low of rank to be good with him. You’ve already made a big enough fool of yourself with your original post. Sombra and moira are about the only counters to tracer, both are very soft counters and if the tracer has half a brain she will always have the upper hand. I got less than an hour on tracer and can reliably take down moira and sombra players as high as diamond. Junkrat players who can counter tracer have to be insanely skilled in the game to do it. Someone like chro maybe a few others that can reliably do it. If a mei counters tracer that tracer would probably die to many people tracers shouldn’t die to. Finally brigitte is still on ptr and has already been nerfed to lessen her impact on tracer. We’ll have to see if she gets nerfed even more before going live before we can call her a counter.


270 hours here, he’s primarily… oh hold on let me grab my description of it from an older post.

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very well put duke, a lot of people watch the cinematic shorts they make for characters and assume that’s how these characters function. When in reality Doomfist is shown to be an absurdly powerful tank in his. Reinhardt and balderich’s armor have like 7700000000 health and sombra can wall climb. All of which are not part of the actual game.

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It’s devoid of context.

It’s effectively 299 hp. In a very specific situation. Where she’s taken exactly 149 damage within 3 seconds.

I’m arguing because i disagree for the same reasons I’d argue if someone said reaper “effectively” had infinite health. Sure. He could. As long as he was able to leech enough damage before he dies consistently the whole time.

Side note: agree with you about doomfist.


Effectively infinite health Reaper. How has this gone on for so long!? Snowstorm plz narf immediately.


Doomfists entire kit can be made null and void with one use of Blink.

Tracer can kill Moira with ease, Fade is undone by one Blink, Damage orb is undone by one Blink, just wait till Moira uses Healing orb then one clip her.

I’ll be surprised if Brigette is even remotely useful against Tracer. Brigette has little to no mobilty whatsoever, and uses a melee weapon with no range, even her longer range flail ability can be made useless by one Blink.

Junkrat’s entire kit undone by one blink.

Mei lol

Sombra is only more reliable now because hack will still get off even when line of sight is broken. Which makes Sombra too strong against every other character.

Moira is not an easy kill unless she’s being played by a bot. Which is a good thing.