"Tracer has no Counters"

The last 3 heroes all are meant to do well against her though
Doomfist: One-shot(doesn’t always work but still good once bugs are fixed)
Moira: Can out-last tracer in a duel unless tracer hits all headshots
Brigtte: Literally desgined to destroy tracer/genji
They buff anti-mobility heroes:
Junkrat-2 mines, can kill flankers more reliably
Mei-Better freezing time (needs more buffs but still)
Sombra-Buff to hack (Now a reliable counter to 9/10 tracers)

Plus the upcoming Hanzo, Torbjorn, and Symmetra reworks.

But please, tell me how tracer is this OP monster who one-clips tanks every 5 seconds.


Doomfist a Tracer counter? I literally couldn’t read any further due to the laughter almost killing me.


Ooh! I love joke threads!


Doomfist is not a tracer counter. The way doomfist acts in the cinematic was to convey the sort of thing you have to do to outplay her.


I mean you have 0 time in competitive with him but ok


She does have counters, but they aren’t as effective as they should be.
Thankfully, they buffed Mei, Sombra, and Doomfist, and are reworking Torb and Sym.


Almost as funny as a “reaper is useless” thread…Great response way to defend why tracer should be nerfed I give 11/10

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Lmao Doomfist-Tracer is like an 80-20 matchup. Any Tracer who loses a 1v1 to a Moira should just jump off the map instead, at least they won’t be feeding ultimate charge. All Tracer has to do vs Brigitte is not engage her. Brigitte can’t actively kill Tracer without a mistake. Junkrat has a better time with his primary than is mines because now they’re inconsistent vs small targets(no free kills w/ damage amp). Mei sucks vs Tracer and isn’t designed to counter mobility. Sombra can counter Tracer but hacking her takes time away from murdering the enemy frontline. Honestly if you think any of these are hard counters you’re playing in a rank where Tracer is bad anyway.


Although I don’t mean it that he doesn’t make it rather difficult for tracer to get a kill on him if he’s able to place her in a position where he wins, I just mean that its not a counter, just him slamming her into a wall same as any other hero. Besides, half the time it bugs and she can recall out of it.

You can’t reliably kill anyone if they don’t make a mistake.
And yes, it’s been proven by Contenders that Sombra is a pretty good counter to Tracer now.

Dude theres like 20 threads a day on the subject with hundreds if not thousands of replies since the new forum launched alone. Perhaps you could try reading them.


People don’t complain about the lack of counters but of hardcounters.

Brigitte might be her first hardcounter, I don’t know yet she’s not live so we can’t play her in comp but her shield bash combo seems really good against her.

yes because I love having my response lost in a thousand reply thread.

Good old tracer.

The be all of ego checks.

If she’s better then you, she’ll win.

If you’re better than her, she’ll die.

But if she wins her skill seems so high to have done it that obviously it wasn’t her skill but because the player was abusing an OP hero.

There’s plenty of heroes who counter tracer. They just take equal skill to match her. And better skill to beat her.

Tracers preference in high tiers and competitive is almost entirely because of her place in the Meta.

What do you want? A 0.6 second ability that cancels all her movement?

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Roadhog can reach across the entire map and Hook Tracer without actually needing her to take a bad engagement. Hook is really the only thing that punishes Tracer, but the problem is that often you can react and the 8 second cooldown makes it too easy to Blink. Obviously Sombra is a good Tracer counter but she is better used destroying a frontline anyway and is likely going to get some changes.

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Tracer has high mobility, good damage, and an effective health pool without support of 299. She quickly builds a burst damage ability that does 400 damage in an aoe, and is hard to pin down. :man_shrugging:


that’s a strawman. nobody says she one-clips tanks.
tracer forces the enemy to play very safe and cautious as her unmatched mobility allows her to come from any direction without any warning and do insane amounts of damage, and in many cases, 1-clip DPS and support heroes before they can react.

she’s also very self-sufficient and doesn’t need to play near her team like Genji does. she can spend a huge chunk of the match harassing the backline and screwing up the enemy team’s coordination.

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To anyone who disagrees about that she has no hard counters here’s the list below :slight_smile: :

Reaper: She can be one shot by a reaper simply if he shoots her in the head.

Roadhog: Hook and shoot.

Ana: Sleep darts

Moira: Balls balls balls obviously make her recall delayed to your position to deal damage.

Genji: Deflect.

Zarya: Burst.

Zenyatta: Headshots obviously.

Mei: Headshots.

List any below to finish my hard counter lists if I missed some :^)

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No one recalls at 1 health. Also, I do think her ult charge needs a nerf. Definently not the ult itself though.