Tracer got a hair fix apparently

So it looks like Tracer DID get her hair adjusted.

Edit: Seems like it’s just the lighting and the way it looked in the twitter reveal :frowning: At least it looks somewhat better in game :confused:

I can’t see the difference.


It’s not huge, but it looks like they lengthened the fringe some. It might be the lighting there, but it does at least look better than the promo.

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Yea its the same hair i think

Hmm, might just be the angle that it was at in that picture D:

Yeah. I think the only issue with the reveal is that it was head on and in specific lighting.

I don’t think that hair style is specifically meant to look great head on.

Can’t say I see a real difference.

The Tracer skin is dull compared to the others revealed.

Yeah at least it’s not a legendary :confused:

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Still fugly anyways


It’s just new lighting.

She looks like a Unicorn with that quiff, I need it

Yeah I think the lighting just gives it more color, which helps a bit.

It’s still the same hair, in the video shown today looks darker because she is at el dorado. That map is dark.

I think it’s an insulting change making her fit into the lesbian sterotypes people perceive. Her original hair is why better and unique to her “in the wind” style

It doesn’t look too bad in that lighting. I’m sure it’ll look fine in motion.

It’s still ugly, after one year they really should give us something better than this.

I still don’t like the yellow hair. Would have preferred blue to match the light off her accelerator.