Call me a doomer if you want but this is a situation which makes me worry for both near and far future of the game.
If someone is unaware of what im speaking of, Blizzard talked about the Tracer bug situation: Tracer will not be disabled for the bugfix and when they’ve fixed her, she will get a compensation buff
The problem is: We’ve been there before and this was the breaking point of OW1’s balance. When Tracer was buffed to combat GOATs, the very meta made against her, the bad balance changes started to spiral out of control and no change was able to make certain heroes tolerable anymore. Its an open secret that the Devs are balancing around Tracer because the game was made with this in mind. If some interactions with and against her change, we will about to go down a rabbit hole again.
We are at that point already where the very limited stuns and being able to blink or recall out of the slowing zones make her a sleeper pick and when Sojourn will be nerfed, she will take her place immediately.
At least consider not to go through this buff OR test it on an Experimental card before going through with this change.
She’s only doing “ok” with the bug right now, people like you are blowing it out of proportion. 85% of the player base doesn’t even deal with good tracers. Also, she’s not competing w/ sojourn for a spot, they play diff roles on a team
Maybe an OW1 Bastion “spread goes lower when holding fire” buff would be okay but i don’t think making her a sniper is a good idea. Shes been made for close combat, not to finish off Tanks from 15m distance.
Thats what people said when Tracer got a buff during GOATs except replace Sojourn with McCree
??? No one is saying that.
Spread goes lower wouldn’t make any sense on a haracter who shoots out a magazine so quickly.
Just a damage buff would probably help her out already.
Nah she needs a buff real badly. And if you think shes easy just try to go and play her yourself. Even with the “bug” she still does negative damage from a distance.
I’ve did for the first time in OW2. Got a team kill alone in the first fight and POTG to the second. I know i haven’t shared proof but she melts barriers from distance. Its hard to track from Tracers POV i give it that because of all the blinking and changing enemies to focus on. Try it out in Practice Range with a friend or in FFA, its easier to notice there.
Im bookmarking my thread for the end of the year and we will see what happens with the balance. I might be right or wrong but i just want to say: We’ve been there before.