Tracer battle tech upgrade Time bomb

Since everyone wants reworks, tracer’s been thinking about one too.

Instead of pulse bomb.

Can we get a time bomb.

So basically you throw it as pulse sticky

So it will recall whoever it is stuck on say a team is pushing in with Reinhardt if I sticky time bomb on him he goes back 3 secs like recall.

So my team can mess up their team while he charges back, should do 150 dot.dmg too due to time lag effects and others not used to time travel like tracer

Also it should be useable on teammates too

So when you stick on them at low health they can recall 3 sec before.

Don’t worry we are not bad like lifeweavers tracer players are generally better than everyone else and have deep understanding of.the game and will have atleast 96% successful positive recalls for teammates.

That you will start to endorse tracer’s every match

Also it’s a ult ability and not utility like grip on cd

So it will be rare.

So time to time bomb :bomb: