Toxicity, Racism and why I'm leaving the game

in response to the voice log thing. yeaaaa id rather not have blizzard listen to voice logs. thats invasion of privacy, and i dont agree with insta ban cuz then ppl can say hur dur she said the n word , false report and boom.

For me, it works. Eventually such people just end up raging, in desperate attempt to attract attention.

Kind of entertaining to watch, how person, that wanted to hurt others, ends up victim of their own inability to do so.

Report system can be used in both directions too.

And you think that someone who cannot figure out your buttons is some machiavellian trolling genius? You had a whole argument about how they’d figure something out against censors and punishments… does that not apply here?

Or are you trying to say that you out of everyone has figured it all out and as soon as everyone is as smart as you and deploys your ignore defense the trolls will all go away because they’re bored?

Again your arguments all speak nothing against punishing trolls and constantly are countering themselves. Being a jerk should be punished AS WELL as being able to be controlled by the victim. Muting and Ignoring are fine tools when paired with punishments. You don’t have to respond, you don’t have to acknowledge but reporting SHOULD happen. Just ignoring this is sticking your head in the sand and believing you’ve made it go away.

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Honestly, when I see people advocate for ignoring problem people because they fear these people will get worse I call it the “manifesto killer conundrum.” They’re held hostage by the sociopaths because they’re scared of triggering a “tipping point” so to speak with rightfully punishing them for their bad behavior where they’ll become angry and disenfranchised enough to shoot up a school. Living in fear doesn’t sound like my idea of a good time.

It’s not my business to punish them to begin with.

It is your business to voice your opinion to the people who should be making that judgement. Blizzard can decide what they want to do with infractions but if they never are made aware of it they can do nothing.

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Let’s put it this way - I can talk with trolls normally, once they realise, that my defenses can’t be broken by their poor attempts.

Over time, I even got bored, that all offending people are using same words.

Grats, but the community as a whole would be better without people who enjoy antagonizing others.

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Imagine being tired of people wanting to censor and get rid of racism and other prejudice in the game, let alone EVERYWHERE.

Nice to know you support that crap. It’s the OP’s fault that people were using racial slurs against them… makes total sense :+1:

What kind of other victims do you blame for what happens to them? Assault victims, people who’ve been robbed? Murders?


Ehm, whole game is about antagonizing others.

Disagree, it’s a game. People should be playing the game understanding that someone has to lose and someone has to win. Sometimes its going to be you sometimes it isn’t. If you get distressed by losing to the point of being antagonized then maybe this game isn’t for you. Maybe competitive games aren’t for you.

The game is supposed to be enjoyable to PLAY. Whether it is or not is a widespread discussion on these forums that I won’t get into in this thread. But it isn’t about making your opponent MAD, it’s just about succeeding in completing objectives.

It’s one of objectives. By making opponent mad, you make it easier for yourself to win.

It most definitely is not. While the gaming world may accept “tilting” as a strategy, it is not a necessity to win at this game nor is it part of the mechanics. Your objectives never are “Make the opponent mad”, just to outplay them which MAY make them mad but that isn’t the point. That’s entirely their problem if they cannot stand losing.

Smacking someone to make them drop their controller is also a competitive advantage but hardly employed in competitive games.

Immediately attacking the person instead of presenting a rebuttle.

Looks like someones part of the problem they seek to get rid of :upside_down_face:

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Both sides - offenders and offended - believe to have high moral ground to attack each other. Even while it’s not staying morally neutral, but about exacting revenge.

Pretty much, it’s a cycle.

Anger incites anger, hatred incites hatred, the two sides will forever argue and a consensus wont be reached due to how differing each side is.

By trying to force one’s opinion to incite change about a subject, it spawns more hatred than what was already there instead of their intended result, to which the other side pushes even harder to where it’s forever a stalemate.

The two sides will never agree, and eradication of ideology is impossible, because despite trying to eliminate all of one side, you can’t change the minds of some people.


Nice to know you love taking things out of context.

The OP is at fault because they let themselves get antagonized instead of taking the precautions necessary to prevent the encounter from devolving further in square one.

If you get bitten by a snake, and let it continue to bite you, that’s your fault, not anybody elses.

If you want to censor it go ahead, we have chat filters, a mute button, and a block button for that.

You don’t like it or want to see it, you don’t have to, but your opinion and viewpoint doesn’t reflect everybody. Regardless of if the topic is of a horrible subject and is blatantly wrong, you shouldn’t be forcing an opinion down someone’s throat unless they’re actively hurting somebody physically.

Hitting a ban button isn’t gonna magically turn someone un-racist.

They wanna be racist? You can’t change their minds, if they go and actively harass somebody based off of the color of their skin in real life and injure someone physically off of it, they’ll be put in prison.

They wanna do it in a video game? 2 magic buttons to block all of that sh*t, nobody has to listen to it if they don’t want to because they have the power to nullify it for themselves.


Time to split hairs

They can be asked to leave, but nothing, and I mean NOTHING can happen to them for what they say in the vein you mentioned.

Oh no… I can’t eat at CrapDonald’s… like that is a punishment.

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Even then they don’t care if they can’t go to a resturant, they’ll just order McDonalds off of UberEats

Trying to punish someone with “oh you cant come here anymore” won’t suddenly poof their ideology away, if anything it’ll anger them at most.


First off it is important to remember that Abusive Chat of that nature is unacceptable and Blizzard does not tolerate it. It should be noted that voice chat is not immediately actioned upon the offense, and often through consistent disruptive behavior will they be actioned. If the people are willing to dive down to such behavior instantly, that is a very likely sign they will get trouble soon enough. So you may receive notifications in time, but waiting only a day is often unrealistic due to the numerous reports Blizzard’s receives.

Blizzard is taking significant increases to stop abusive chat. Community Manager Molly Fender, recently made a post about this:

I understand if you don’t want to play the game right now, but hopefully this shows what is being done to make all of Blizzard’s games a welcoming community for all honest players.