Toxicity, Racism and why I'm leaving the game

Dont have to stand up to anything when you have the tools to deal with the issue yourself.

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Care to tell me what these tools are?

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Those two things completely negate any toxicity.

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Soooo again, shove it off and pretend it doesn’t happen. GOT IT.

Again, these people need to be removed from the game. If it means they keep spending money to keep buying more copies so be it. They will give up at some point and Blizzard makes a little extra cash in the process.


Yes, shove it off because you dont have to take it.

You can get rid of it in its entirety by just using those tools but choose not to.

You’re choosing to flip out on something you can erase with the push of a button.

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They could afford it pretty easy imo.

New report button ‘hate crime’. If someone has said (whatever criteria they decide on) in the last 3 min they will be banned/silenced/whatever Bliz decides.

Could make it even 1min but im trying to make it forgiving.

If you report a player and they did not say anything that meets that criteria you lose that report option for a month. False report twice is 3mo. False report thrice removes that report option.

This both makes false reports a non issue on this subject and results in perma bans for people who say hate speech. It takes a couple minutes of listening for each player banned which I think is an extremely reasonable time investment. You pay some people $25/hr to listen to voice logs and they might each be banning 15 people an hour. That’s insanely cheap and will kill the overt problem overnight.

Whether they should do it and what should be the ban criteria? That I’m less clear about. I really don’t think you lose anything banning people dropping slurs or talking about genocide or whatever good riddance. But the criteria would have to be clear and we’ll communicated to player base to avoid any issues. Like with any strong punitive system fear alone will be a motivator to a lot of bad actors.

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Sounds like an idea drawn up by a 5th grader.


Compelling criticism. My focus was on keeping cost as low as possible. Want to explain the issues with this approach?

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Existence and you don’t be aware it’s a different thing. Also devs heavily encourages to: if you notice any kind of disruptive behavior, use profanity filter tools and also report them. Sure if that happens you can mute them and report them afterwards.
It’s not okay to say bad stuff against anybody, devs made a lot of tools to that kind of behavior becomes even less frequent. Sure mute can helps, but if you notice that somebody doing bad stuff you becoming passive means you helping or agreeing with that kind of behavior.

It’s like people saying a phrase that you know that’s false in the middle of 3 folks. You will react the same way if those 3 folks are people you care? That’s the moral dilema, if you don’t care about the first scenario you promoting that false phrase(becoming a passive), if you reacts against the 2nd scenario while doing nothing in the 1st scenario you become a bad person (by Hypocrisy definition). If you react the same way on both or you will be (passive or will be a good person) at least on moral standards.

I’m not judging you, I’m just pointing that if you choose to not do anything if you see a crime being done you become a accessary from that crime. Closing your eyes and covering your ears can solve the issue for you, but if you slightly notice the crime you need to do something if you not, you will be accessary. At least it’s how the law works in some countries and certain moral codes works.

I’m not against mute and avoid voice chats, but I’m not a defender of disruptive behavior, you pointed tools to help but if you don’t report that kind of behavior if you notice it means you became passive in that scenario. Word of advice, try not become accessory from something that you know that’s bad. I think you tried to say that bullies receiving silence treatment will stop being bullies but still, reports needs to be made. I’m not okay about people becoming “too sensitive about a lot of themes”, but bad things always will be bad. We have people from different backgrounds and even children playing with their parents supervision can be victim of that kind of behavior.

Devs post about profanity filter update:

check the part of:

PLEASE NOTE: Using Any of the profanity filters doesn’t make it okay for players to use offensive language, and we encourage you to report these examples if you encounter them.

See Blizzard Entertainment’s In-Game-Code of Conduct for more information on acceptable behavior. Using language reported by the community and deemed offensive by Blizzard will result in severe account restrictions.


I’ve been called a f***** and about every homophobic slur because “I sound gay”
Truth is I am an ace. Racism, sexism and homophobia and transphobia are big issues
Blizz can’t do anything about VC toxicity


People just do not want to be responsible for their own well-being.

If you want to try to “fix” every single “bad person” you meet - go ahead, even while it’s about as futile, as trying to stop all crime.


I’m sorry, this is such a bad way of thinking. Seriously. You’re literally enabling this kind of behaviour and making it acceptable. It’s not.

Fair enough, you should mute and block someone if they’re being toxic towards you and using slurs and insults etc. That is on you. But to say that this shouldn’t be a bannable offence is the most stupid thing I’ve ever heard in my life. This is why this kind of behaviour is still so rampant even today.


Good thing I didnt ask for your opinion.


I don’t care if you didn’t. I’m giving it anyway.


And I dont have to pay it heed, see the wonders that can be established by ignoring things :upside_down_face:

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Yet you replied to me and acknowledged what I said? Strange…that’s not exactly “not paying it heed”.


It’s not about “fixing” a single person, it’s about stigmatizing a behavior. The same way people are deterred from committing crimes because there is fear of punishment. Or who don’t use hate speech around large groups of their targets because of fear of retribution.

It’s not about eliminating something entirely, it’s about making it rarer and changing the attitude towards it.


People who do it, do not care about stigma, or others in general. So your idea isn’t working.

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So they won’t care about being banned, and we can enjoy their absence and they can wallow in their hate in some other game.


And they will just pick alternative account and continue. Harassing others can be fun, after all, and being banned, in that case, is like “badge of honor”, than punishment.