Toxicity in matches seem to be on a dramatic rise

So seems like Blizzard has stopped taking action against players for bad behavior in matches.

I’ve been facing opponents that continuously use profanity, make homophobic, racist comments, and will flat out just throw. Many of them say “I won’t get banned” or that "nothing will happen to me’. I also get teammates that will purposely throw because I am gay and make very homophobic comments and nothing happens to them. I no longer get notifications that action was taken against a player for bad behavior.


This is an example of what is on the rise. Had a mercy in the match where they did zero healing the entire match and we only had solo zen for heals and we get destroyed. But again it now seems pointless to even report as nothing seems to ever happen to players.

It’s almost as though Blizzard was recently taking action against accounts that was a little more over the top than they should have and now have just stopped all together.

Overwatch use to be fun once upon a time. Now it seem toxicity is again on the rise and infested with hacks.


How do they know you are gay in matches?


After free to play it turned into a cesspool, but the worst part is if you defend yourself, you may get mass reported and then banned. Happened to me twice. This last time was enough for me. Maybe I can sell my account and get back some of my sanity for thinking better of Blizzard and the community as a whole.

From what I understand it’s picking Hanzo

I’ve been reporting the most vile things for the last two months and nothing has happened, used to be every log in “thank you for reporting” and now nothing.

I still believe they aren’t doing this because they can’t afford to lose any more players.

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