Sombra is really good , but also easy to shut down as heroes like Genji, Tracer because their mobility is 10x better here so they can easialy chase her
Or avoid / cancel hack with heroes like Monkey, Mercy, Moira, Zarya, Torb, Pharah, Echo, Lucio
Tracer is the best duelist here, she is really good at killing solo targets, but she’s bad against tanks with high armor health ( Dva, Monkey, Ball, Reinhartdh, Orisa ) / high healing supports ( Brig, Bap, Moira )
Brig here is like 1.0 Brig but doubled, can be strong solo support, if you play carefully, or unkillable monster with second support
Symmetra can spam turrets every ~ 3 sec, that pretty much distrupt enemy, her ult is also pretty strong here
Sigma can be easialy shut downed because of low speed and high / low cooldown CC in this mode
Mercy is not A tier in total mayhem. The only thing she has is resurrect more often, meanwhile everyone else has interrupts available more often and she doesnt have any abilities that really benefit much from the reduced cooldown.
Pretty good. I’d put Moira higher, though. A good Moira can hold a point alone. I’ve done it, and I’ve seen others do it. Sombra isn’t as oppressive as people think - get Moira, Winston, etc.
Overall solid. People don’t realise that Mayhem does actually have a meta, and heroes that are good and bad. You can tell when people are fresh to the mode.
Pretty good. I’d put Moira higher, though. A good Moira can hold a point alone. I’ve done it, and I’ve seen others do it. Sombra isn’t as oppressive as people think - get Moira, Winston, etc.
Overall solid. People don’t realise that Mayhem does actually have a meta, and heroes that are good and bad. You can tell when people are fresh to the mode.
Really? I find her fine to play. Just m1 on your tanks and farm Valk.
That is a very flawed list… Brigitte is not S tier. She does next to no dmg and her heal is easily blocked by the many barriers spammed all over the place.
Symetera is another issue, her Ult doesn’t do much and her turrets die all the time. Never mind how in the world Torb, Junkrat and Ana are in the C tier…
Seriously I don’t think that list got a single hero right other than maybe Widow.
Mercy can survive long time, ressurect let her bring back multiple allys during the fight, her ult also can make her near invincible because of also higher hp and lower GA cooldown
But she’s bad if your team has second support ( lower burst dmg team output )
Which is the exact same thing she would be doing anyway where every other hero gets their abilities that are much more impactful way more often including their ultimates that are more powerful.
Mercy isnt bad, but by comparison to what every other hero becomes in total mayhem Id say shes probably the worst.
Mercy’s main problem is she only heals one person at a time, and no one at all while using Rez. Which given the massive ammounts of dmg in TM tends to go poorly as she just can’t keep up unless your team is well balanced in terms of tanks and another support.
Same as in a normal game and so can everyone else.
I don’t know what skill brakcet you play at, but when every ability has its cooldown reduced immensely resurrect is going to see much more interruption. And having Mercy resurrect every 8 seconds is going to cause her to have a lot of downtime over the course of a match.
Her ultimate is as easy to counter in TM as it is out of TM. Plus the counters to it come up just as often.
GA cooldown reduction when is irrelevant as it often takes as much time for you to reach a far away teammate with it as its cooldown. Even if it had no cooldown, you probably arent goin to use it more often than once every 2 seconds or so, much less if you have Valkyrie up so often.
There is an important thing to think about too. There is “Good to stall” for the normal part of the match in you running out the clock on defense. Then there is the “finish the match and clear the objective” team.
Sombra is good in the last few minutes of Over time. As is Sigma as his Ult can lift people off the objective to get a win. Rest the match however he’s garbage.
In the same vein Doomfist, Moira, Mei, even Torb are really good at not dying and contesting the objective and causing problems. Not so great at killing them off to get the win.
Neither can any character, and in TM they all can.
Everyones did, but they also got increased utility and in many cases damage due to reduced cooldowns. Mercy doesnt really have cooldowns to begin with.
In TM they are one and the same. You can’t move the payload an inch if nothing dies, and TM stall characters are REALLY good at living long enough to get help back.
The big “team wipe quick!” Ults like Dva bomb, death blossom, shatter, ect aren’t so great with multiple Winston bubbles down at all times and endless Zarya bubble, so it practically takes an EMP combo just to clear point at all.