Total Mayhem Permanent Arcade Game Please

Please make Total Mayhem a permanent arcade game.

and if you want to get creative Mystery Mayhem.


Mystery Mayhem actually sounds like a blast

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Yes! Yes!

Total Mayhem as a perma tab. I would pay money for Total Mayhem to become permanent.

:heart: Total Mayhem :heart:

Also… we have lost a whole tab due to Quickplay Classic. We need to add a Tab. I would hope that would be Total Mayhem.

They’re making a 7th tab

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Nice post. I really do hope TM gets a perma spot. But at least the tab is addressed.

Screw Mystery Mayhem, what we need is Competitive Mayhem


Mystery Mayhem sounds like something I need in my life.

I like this idea too.

Yeah at least it’s something.

I guess it’s hard because not everyone can constantly have their favourite modes be available (ie death match, CTF, Mayhem, etc) so it kinda sucks

Only Sombra will be picked as this gamemode is most likely on short cooldowns.
And Sombra can destroy everyone’s life here.

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No thanks.
I prefer not playing a mode where the winner is decided by whichever team is on defense or takes forever to complete.

Why can’t they just make it so when you hit “QuickPlay” you are greeted with 2 options, classic and role queue.


if you are playing competitively you should know how to deal with Sombra