Total Mayhem missing in Arcade rotation

It has been 7 days since Total Mayhem has been in Arcade, where as normally it is active every other day. There wasn’t a new event that started 7 days ago, so for whatever reason the arcade rotation decided to break.

Can a dev / blizzard representative address this, and at least let the community know if this is indeed a glitch, or if Total Mayhem is going to be permanently discontinued?


Total mayhem is the only reason I continued to play Overwatch after the first month of buying the game in 2016.

The lack of acknowledgment from the people who run this sh!t show is the cherry on top for the disappointment I have for this company.

If mayhem is gone I’d like to just know instead of check everyday for disappointment.
if it IS gone, I’ll be uninstalling.


I’ve noticed this too, I’m fixing to just make it a Custom game mode so people can always play total mayhem


I fully refuse to believe that there is no way Blizzard cannot have Total Mayhem up always. It is a popular mode. If the population of this game is far too low to support having several arcade modes always available, then maybe you should start thinking of drastically improving this game.


I’ve been patient thinking that they’d get this obvious rotation bug fixed in a day or so.

I’m beginning to think Blizzard is deprecating on purpose, and doing it silently to avoid advertising that they are throwing another subgroup of OW fans under the bus. :grimacing:

EDIT: Credit where credit is due: Mayhem came back.

…Ofc course I couldn’t play because blizzard’s update initialization was measured in B/s aka BYTES per second. For context my internet speed tests were 534.8 Mbps.

A day later, had the idea of installing on steam, and the whole game still downloaded from steam before blizzard patch finished by a huge margin.


I think they could just address why Mayhem is MIA so we know. I have this game and spend money on it because of Mayhem. I do not understand why this keeps happening. Just leave it in arcade all the time. It’s fun, there is a group of people who are always playing and it is a real bummer when it disappears for a week and all we get is low gravity and endless deathmatches. My secret conspiracy theory is they took it away to force us to play flashpoint. :expressionless:

at long last, it’s back in action and not MIA as I’m in queue as i type this reply, and looks like it’s back in rotation with low gravity as usual