Total Mayhem has gone missing

Where mayhem? This s*it sucks without mayhem.

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i play total mayhem only. please bring it back again. :cry: :frowning:

Total mayhem is back in Arcade guys


hol up… you’re asking for too much there from the devs. 1 problem at at time; first Mayhem then Ball, then me

Dang ol’ man, I tell you what, talkin’ ‘bout that total mayhem, it’s a real hoot, man, but doggone it, they ain’t puttin’ it in that arcade rotation as much, man. Y’know, I feel ya, dude, it’s just like, c’mon man, give us some of that sweet ol’ chaos, man.

But y’know, man, Overwatch, they got that dang ol’ schedule, man, mixin’ it up, keepin’ things interestin’ n’ all, man. Can’t have that same ol’ thing all the time, man, it’s like variety’s the spice of life, dude.

So, just gotta be patient, man, wait for that total mayhem to roll ‘round, y’know? Meanwhile, I reckon, give them other modes a shot, man, never know, might find somethin’ else you dig, man.

Keep on truckin’, man, and remember, ain’t no use fussin’ ‘bout things you can’t change, dude. Dang ol’ life goes on, man.


Where is total mayhem?? It’s been 3 days and it’s not In Rotation… Also when iz genji Goin to get a cooldown for his double jump??

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y did you put my name on your post? y do i sound like a redneck that came out of his cabin in the woods with a jug of moonshine?

Mayhem is BACK :fire::fire::fire:. I’m playing now…

It’s too little; too late. I found something else to play now. Do we get TM for a week now? I think not. The head developer guy hates TM and wants to get rid of it because nobody (at least we mayhemers) don’t want to play the game he made because it sucks big moose.
Oh wake up, Pendragon. They don’t care about anything but your money. All they do in OW2 is redo the characters every other “season” so you feel like you’re paying for something; but, if you look, most of the characters end up back to where they were in the first place. It’s smoke and mirrors. They’re not doing anything to make OW2 worth a “season” fee. If you’re new, get used to it. They always “forget” to post TM or it “accidentally” gets taken down when they do an update. There’s always something to prevent ONLY TM from getting on the list. (except that ONE time they didn’t have low gravity for like a month.)

They always screw over their most loyal customers (TM players, I mean). Always. It’s because that dork Jeff doesn’t like it. They don’t care about their customers. They only care about lining their pockets with all that money people throw away on new outfits every 10 weeks or however long a “season” is (the outfits we USED to get for playing on OW1) . They lied to everyone about OW2 and they’re still lying. Whoever changes the thing is obviously not a good employee. You have one job. One simple job. But, no. It’s too hard for you. That person needs to be fired. This is like the 40th time they have screwed up their job.

BTW, I’ve been playing Balders Gate 3 on Steam and TotK on the switch. They don’t mess up their Scheiss. I don’t need Over Watch any longer nor am I sure I WANT to play OW2 any longer as their customer service sucks big moose too.

total mayhem is back