Toronto Defiant vs. Los Angeles Gladiators - FINAL

Come on now, if you could simply sub in players and contend with a winning team, the OWL would be a joke. Changes should make your matches more competitive, but one switch shouldn’t be able to propel you to the top, no matter how good the player is.

Looks like we’ll probably get Jeff at the end.

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No Jeff during half time

No half time Jeff. Guess i stayed awake for nothing.

Is this the last game of stage 3?

“Fjör de lyast taïm IM…” “Too hot for yjou?”

Time to riot.

ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ ヽ༼ຈل͜ຈ༽ノ

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I’m only getting enough OWL points to get the Lucio emote

Surefour with the greed.

Y’all are also assuming jeff’s there to make an announcement. Might just be there to watch the match.

Ludicrous, no one watches OWL for the matches.

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I’m only watching in hope Jeff makes an announcement. lol

I’m waiting for the fight that EMP doesn’t win.

There is another match after this. Though, I am suspecting Jeff’s visit is a social one.

yeah! we all watch for the tokens!

Looking at twitch chat thats clearly the case lol

Decay just farming Toronto on Widow.

What is this Decay? Report him for hacking

Excuse me, Toronto. Stop delaying the start of the Outlaws game.

It’s a well known fact that Toronto is only allowed to have one successful team in any capacity at any point in a one year cycle.

The Toronto Defiant are unfortunately paying the price for the Raptors winning the NBA championship. It is known.

Perhaps next year.