Torbjorn will need a compensation buff for the PTR nerf

I’m not so sure he needs a buff, he’s kind of a niche character.

If I were to make any changes, it wouldn’t be to his weapons. I’d prefer either a health/shield increase or even better, a support ability. I loved being able to provide armor for teammates with the old Torb and wouldn’t mind him getting a semi-support rework.

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Utility heroes like torb/sym/mei have always had low pick rates and alot of people just simply struggle to utilize them efficiently. What is his win % since nerf? Is it even live yet?

truthh then they gave his old ult to ASHE as B.O.B it’s a re skin of his ult literally… except now it charges into people and knocks them up (even stronger than his original ult)

preach it’s because people complained at the time that he was too reliant on his turret (LUL) and that he created too much space with his ult from what I remember someone would have to scrounge through the patch notes for the exact wording and explanation though.

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Hmm no that stat clearly shows the further you go from the middle of the rank (plat) the higher the pickrate gets

i meant from looking at it from GM perspective,

the further you go from GM, the lower it gets exept for bronze and maybe silver, thats why i said the lower you go

But yeah i should have changed the wording

Edit: TYPO i meant lower

Preventive measures, believe it or not the devs have a better grasp the direction the game is going in than people think, and many times they implement preventive measures to try and stop a certain meta from forming, of course they have times they mess up or didnt make preventive measures that are good enough, but you can see that they try them often, I see this torb nerf as one of them, they seem him as a potential threat in an upcoming meta they do not like the look of and are nerfing the thing they believe will make him a problem before this happens

… What? You mean his ultimate being changed? The 50 hp nerf? Or the change to how the cooldown works?, not to mention how it got to buffs in the process being able to be placed in more places than before, not needing to level it up, and being able to heal it faster with overload if needed (yes overload increases hammer swing speed meaning increased healing on turret) so the turret got 3 “nerfs” and 3 “buffs” balancing out things pretty well, and torb also got another area denial ult that works in an aoe and can cover more ground than his level 3 turret could, I’d say overall his area denial is better after the rework than before, not to mention his own dps buff to his shotgun and the projectile speed buffs to his attacks making himself a higher dps higher accuracy attacker than before again increasing his area denial, I dont see how he’s any worse than before

Maybe they just dont want him to be as good at it as he was, Mercy’s still a good single target healer, they just didnt want her to be as good as she was so they nerfed the healing

To make him more viable in more situations which it did

He needs his turret nerfed.

You mean Bunker comp increasing in prevalence?

Wouldnt they nerf Orisa then, inestead of the character thats struggling even in the meta that benefits him?

He may be in the bottom half of hero picks, but he is in the top 1/3 of dps picks in gm. With a very high win rate. Kinda funny to see torb as the 5th most picked dps in gm, 4th most if we look at this week, only behind snipers and genji, but still 14th picked. Cuz there are less supports and tanks to choose from, they will naturally have a higher pick rate, so torb actually is one of the most picked for heroes he competes with.

he has a low pickrate because he isn’t popular

he is quite meta but players simply wanna play genji or widow instead

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No, i mean a meta after that theyve done this before, for instance during dive meta they were buffing anti tank comp heroes because they saw the possibility of a tank meta rising, these buffs werent very successful in stopping it however they predicted such an occurence and tried to prevent it before it could even happen and they admitted these were the reasons they buffed these heroes before dive even died and a goats meta formed

People generally like playing more interactive and more difficult heroes.
Torb is sadly neither of these. He usually is in the back line with is child.

He also as a considerable win rate especially in bronze where he dominates. pickrates don’t determine how a hero is doing

niche characters generally have high winrates…as explained by jeff himself before. Hence why i tend to ignore it

that + the low pickrate also inflates it

Are you cracked?? Buff BECAUSE nerfed??? He is being nerfed in 1 aspect, because its to much. Period. Why in the he!! do people think you get a buff when you need a nerf???

Because the character is underpowered and if you nerf a hero that doesnt need it, you have to buff something else to compensate
Legit no one complained about the hero, the stats speak for themselves, and before you bring up winrate, his winrate is inflated because of his niche nature and low pickrate + overbuff unreliability

There is just no argument to support this nerf other than “lol Overload is a literal i win button”

They LITERALLY designed it to be an I win button at the cost of his whole kit, it WAS an ultimate after all

He’s not THAT low, though. DPS spots are pretty competitive in choices because of how many DPS there are compared to tanks and supports. He can be a bit situational yes, but he seems to be in a good spot atm. Context and relativity matter.

Yeah he is in a pretty good spot arround GM mostly because of bunker comp, But he aint doing too great either, and this is the meta that literally benefits him the most,

That should indicate the character is not really that great anyways,

And even if he was, you said it yourself, he is not oppresive, he is just in a “good” spot, thats OK, no need to nerf a hero thats not OP

I mean overall he is, but in very specific circumstances he probably destroys tanks a little too easily. I don’t think this will have much of an effect overall.

But like i said in the OP, they pruposely sacrificed his whole kit to allow him to do that with overload,

Nerfing that kind of leaves him with nothing

i did a post where i mathed it out and it seems that his right clikc may as well not exist a this point,hold on let me llook

Another issue this patch has, is mccree too, Fan the hammer is now extra useless as well because of the primary fire changes, they may as well get rid of it too

Has mid tier pick rate, but top tier win rate at GM. A nerf is a nerf