Torb’s overload needs a nerf

To put it in perspective, it’s sprint, adaptive shields, and storm arrow, but more than 5 storm arrows, at the same time, for 5 seconds.

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The turret is literally on cooldown for half the match lol

McCree flashbang, but guys you might be on something with this

no dont I have 10fps thats my only good part, I can do crosshair placement with torb overload and have them run into it

Exactly this. It’s all this but arguably better then those. It’s better then sprint because you’re not locked out of any abilities. Armor whenever you want is better then shields whenever you want and You’re not locked out of your gun like with sprint and your shots do full damage unlike with storm bow.

what builder? the guy just deploys a sentry and then forgets about it. thats the end of his interaction with his turret.

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Sombra is a builder because she builds translocator. as is junk because he builds mines and traps

The only thing Torb needs in this game is a higher pickrate.

exactly. thats like saying using the sentry gun killstreak in cod makes you a builder class lol

Where do these people come from lately? Every day like 2-3 posts of “nerf dat” posts on everything, most of which has been around for ages… its really getting out of hand… I think some people came back who hadn’t played and haven’t adjusted to the changes quite honestly.

This is one of the most ridiculous threads I have seen in quite awhile…

And couple it with a turret that anyone with two brain cells in contact auto-deletes and a slow arcing fire primary… kinda see how that balances out?

If he were truly OP with it, he would be an OWL favorite by far. He doesn’t even appear there often if ever unless its a gimmick. In GM, all that really counts, he isn’t even in the top 50% of picks…

the one who has the single ability being discussed, with the only other ability being a construct that automates itself

as in, provides value from an AI, with no duration

as in



that offers its own value

not using the players input

symmetra being the only other builder

ashe’s ultimate is just that, an ultimate, with a duration, so, inb4 trying to use that poor excuse next after this next one that makes no sense:


since when do any of these do anything on their own, aside from the trap, which is… a… trap…

yeah torb is lowkey too good, but he won’t be played that much because he’s not popular.

so he’s my infinite sleeper pick.

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Lol you reqlly want to nerf a nearly troll pick ?
Like that guy said: trollbjorn ready to throw.

Are you just going by pickrates? Also, widow countering you doesn’t mean you’re weak. And it’s a dive meta… why would you pick him? He’s also not very popular hero anyway. Why would they pick him in owl when there’s no comp around him?

The only thing Torb needs is a buff to his hammer. It needs to create a squeaky toy sound effect whenever it hits an enemy. When it kills, a laugh track plays. :stuck_out_tongue:

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