Top500 Junkrat main explains in extreme detail why he needs buffs

bump again <3

One day… one day we shall rise again…




Also, on a side note I hope this is a Junkrat skin this Winter Event(Hopefully paired with some needed buffs, which would make my Christmas honestly…as long as I got the skin…)

Now I’m imagining a lolipop tire with candy canes sticking out in place of spikes…

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his tire just needs a health buff to 150. thats literally it besides maybe making it unboopable

No, that would make tire way too good.
Tire is fine as is. What he needs is projectile size reverted or at least increased so he actually has a viable primary you can hit stuff with with having to resort to spam.


you already can if u predict and aim REALLY easily, he shouldnt have to not aim at all like b4 again

You do realize you’re talking to a 500 hours Junk OT who peaked 3639 after his projectile size nerf, during a meta that countered rat.
I think I’m well aware of how his weapon works.
Before players could actually aim, hit those shots, and get rewarded for it.
Now they’ve made it pointless to even attempt to aim because spamming actually does get note value in diamond+ despite being the same kind of Junkrat play that’ll get you eradicated in diamond+
They claimed to have made the hero more incentivized to aim, when in reality they just made the hero to be more vaulabe by spam.
In other words, nothing changed for lower ranks, and the higher ranked rats got punished for the faults of those at lower ranks due to the fact Blizz made the mistake of listening to lower ranks.


you obviously dont realize you’re talking to a previous 4560 junk i guess after nerfs and his guns still great you just have to aim now. im guessing u checked my profile and saw what my rank was b4 privated lol

Nope, if you think he’s fine you are most definitely not a Rat player.


and thats where anyone stops taking u serious

How so? Because you disagree with me? being that I can easily get the opinions of 3 or 4 other actual GM rat players.
And they’ll all agree with me, because they actually know what it’s like to play Junk in GM


ironic because you’re not even a gm player so anyone talking at peak of 3700 after 13 seasons or their friends is kinda a huge haHA, cya dude; not gonna talk to a wall

Aww, did someone lose an argument so they resort ad hominem.
How cute


whatever u wanna tell yourself my guy lol, ironic

The only wall here is you
I gave my view, opted to give others

Yet instead of trying to counteract, you played the “I’m better” card, yet without proof, no one will believe you.

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idc dude im playing the game and doing great and having fun as junk at high elo is all i know, he shouldnt have op ez mode primary fire and thats why blizz nerfed it in the first place. a revert is very unlikely. if u dont believe good junks exist from me then go watch pvp or chro

They nerfed it because low ranks wouldn’t stop crying.

There were virtually no player above masters actually complaining about him that point.

It wasn’t OP nor EZ

I do, alot, I could bet you he’d agree Junkrat needs a small buff.


yeah cause he loves junk lol

I know 5 good Junkrats(All GMs who been in/are in Top 500):