[Top500 got suspended] The problem with Reporting system, and how people abuse it

When i report someone, then they report me for being afk LOL

so you were permanently banned? That is way too much. They need to fix their report system asap

I got 2 months ban from the game.

Don’t report mid-match. Mute if needed mid-match, but save the report for after the match ends.

If you are no longer annoyed enough to remember to report people after the match, the report probably would be from gut reaction than an actual reportable action.

Funny that i get banned for reporting someone mid match, but the guy who reported me during the match is still playing the game.

I mean that reporting post-match is usually a good rule of thumb in general.

Agreed, but it’s also not against the rules to use the report system whenever necessary, including in the middle of a match.

It does not ban players who deserve report but who had the worst luck on toxic false reporter teammates that is true (GMs told me themselves in tickets). But Blizz will not change that cause banned ppl are good for them since they might buy new account to play on while their main account is banned - it makes perfect sense since long term players does not spend money on loot boxes cause they have lot of gold so the only way how to make them pay money on the game is the new account.

Plus they just lost all that money because of the EU

I was suspended for stuff like “we need a tank”, “Lucky” etc… and this was in quickmatch! I reacted to bad ingame behaviour in the chat, big mistake. Since Blizzard only analyzes the chat, not what happens ingame. So players can spawncamp, teabag, taunt whatever they like. If this is not reported by many players, nothing will happen. However, if they report a player for chat stuff, no matter what is written and why, you got auto-banned pretty fast. Blizzard employees check only AFTER the auto-ban-mechaings happend. To late of course.
So, better never complain in chat about others, no matter if your right or not. :confused: