Top 500 Thoughts on Low Ranks General Uncooperativeness

I’ve always considered mechanical skill to be related to what you’re physically doing. Aim and movement.

In that case, you’re right. But these can all be improved. No one is capped on these.

This is where I partially disagree.

I agree you can improve but also that you will reach a level where you cannot improve further.

I mean, not everyone is potentially a GM player. That’s what GM players think because they got there and it seems more doable from their point of view.

Qrowx be honest with yourself. I’ve got two people that are masters players (AT BEST) lecturing a gm1 on how the system works. I tolerated it with about as much patience as I could and despite that you two just kept circle jerking each other and patting yourselves on the back.

Now you’re the higher ranked player being lectured by someone of a lower rank and you’re handling it much worse than I did, which is typical.

:person_shrugging: Also, you can’t really say definitively that Outside is wrong. Can’t really say he’s right either, but that’s beside the point.

Also you tried to insist there’s aim assist on PC with a controller when there isn’t. Little things like that where you dig in no matter how off base you might be.

Yeah…no. Because one of us is also a GM. Also, highly doubt you’re GM1 after you refused to tell Chi your rank so many times.

And no one was lecturing you on how a system works. You were making baseless claims and ended up getting logically owned by both Chi and myself.

Offered proof to him already. If I get his account I’ll get him out of Bronze in a day. Are you seriously going to be so contrary as to claim pretty much anyone on here would not be able to do that? Even a Gold in a Bronze game seems like a GM to them. Now imagine an actual GM.

There is. I’ve played PC on controller before and I’ve played on console with aim assist off. I know how aim assist off feels like, and PC was not that.

Are you going to be tolerable now or shall I ignore you again? It doesn’t really make that big of a difference to me.

Dude I think you need to revisit the discussion because you are losing it. You’re a diamond average. In OW2. On console you’re a gm. In OW2.

And you’re STILL doubling down on the controller on PC thing. :joy: Go plug it in and see for yourself. I truly think you’re just trolling at this point.

I didnt want to open this back up, I shouldn’t have said anything. The table turning just tickled me.

Yes and no. Part of it is that low ranks are generally bad at the game, and fail to understand the game on a fundamental level. While they have massive egos, they aren’t refusing to cooperate out of a sense of pride. They’d rather not take orders from someone they perceive to be at the same level as them.

Even if they did cooperate, it would mean very little. I tried playing Mercy and glued myself to a Sojourn, who failed to get a single kill in 5 minutes. In a different game, having learned my lesson about pocketing low ranks, I glued myself to Rein and we won.

Low ranks are low ranks for a variety of reasons, and mechanical skill (or rather, the lack thereof) is one of those reasons.

lol i actually do but i dont remember who he is.

its always the “YOUR BOOSTED” players that are somehow not being boosted. its so weird

youd think if everyone was being boosted to new heights they’d also be boosted as well; guess they missed the train.

mechanical in an fps context would be motor skill, like strafing on your keyboard or moving the mouse to aim.

its typically referred to as mechanics or mechanical skill because reasons.

sure not EVERYONE but id say a good amount could be. hitting masters or gm isnt as spectacular as people want you to believe.

its just a really big grind to go from diamond to gm and that requires dedication most people just dont have a willingness to do.

now on the other end, hitting diamond is something anyone can do and it takes barely any effort. (it seems hard because ppl try to fix the wrong problems)

is he still bein a salty lil (malding) child lol?

i put em on time out so he could think about what he did.

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all you need to get high rank is press your buttons good and move your mouse well. Source: Me muting team chat and one tricking and still getting GM1.

Hands down the stupidest poster I’ve seen in a while, kudos

Maybe because this game isn’t really a team game until you 5 stack. Getting matched with randoms and having those random people try to tell you what to do is disrespectful.

High GM is a smaller subset of the playerbase and so is far less random for you now. You’re more likely to know more players you’re grouped with there. Everyone else isn’t. :woman_shrugging:

Eh. Being low ranked isn’t that deep. Forget being ‘good’, people spend an obscene amount of time playing fps to get even average. There isn’t a magical ‘lack of ego’ button you push and suddenly climb, it’s blowing thousands of hours practicing.

GM players don’t have a ‘winning’ mentality, they just have hand eye coordination and a lot of time to waste. Getting a good ranking just isn’t worth the effort for most people, but also most people don’t like to lose, no matter their ranking, which is why you end up with egos.


It’s actually kind of insane how many GM/Top 500 players don’t realise what an ELO system is. It’s not a measure of objective skill, it’s a measure of skill relative to all of the other people who are playing.

The only actual measure of objective skill in the game is Top 500, because are literally the Top 500 people in the game. But even that is skewed because it’s 500 accounts, not 500 individuals.

Every other rank from Bronze to GM (or Ultimate in Season 9) will be based on a relative distribution of players. Players’ ranks will increase or decrease depending on the total number of people playing. When people were complaining about ‘rank inflation’ a few seasons ago, they were actually complaining that more people were playing the game.


The trolling from you two is incredible. :clown_face:

Mind blowing honestly.

had 3 separate people in comma yesterday, took until final fight to decide which ult combo to use

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That’s the OW standard. Hold ults way too long and finally use them when you can’t backup any further. :laughing:

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Idk. I started this game in bronze because it was my first FPS and I couldn’t aim worth crap. Not sure it had anything to do with my attitude lol. I climbed fairly steadily, but I don’t play too often.

I think there’s all sorts of reasons why people can suck at the game. Not all of them attitude based lol. Some people just aren’t willing to invest the time/effort it takes to get very good. Which is honestly okay.

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where you place at first has nothing to do with your attitude, but weather or not you can improve so you can climb does.

lets say you start off at a bronze level but you have a great attitude, you can and probably would climb, but if you start off at bronze but you blame your teammates and the matchmakers…what are the odds you climb?

(pretty low)

all ive been talking about is what it takes to improve and the thing(s) that prevent that.

where you start off is irrelevant to that.

Man… I’m 99% sure that there isn’t aim assist when using a controller on PC Overwatch. Unless something has changed. I guess I can test in a week or so but I’m still pretty certain there isn’t any assist at all. I think that might be a placeboey-type effect (no idea what the actual term I’m looking for is before 7am) you’re experiencing.

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:joy: Goa, don’t. lol A few of us went and tried it out after he said that. There is NO aim assist on PC while using a controller. He’s just Qrowx’ing out of control. He was saying because his accuracy was similar on PC and on console, that shows there’s aim assist. That and he can “feel” it.

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And on that note I’m out. Tonight will be brutal and I must prepare accordingly. :eyes:

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