Top 500 Thoughts on Low Ranks General Uncooperativeness

my point is more that a gold isnt going to hit gm with a poor mental and a massive ego

its hard for someone to climb and get better when they either dont think they are the problem, or they have a mental so soft they break down at the first sign of a loss.

but someone that hit gm could become this again

ego is just a matter of someone thats a lil too proud of something they accomplished, and the bad mental is just someone that cant handle losing.


Cuz I find this entertaining… they dont have to deal with low ranks in comp so why does it matter what they do in lower ranks? Some of them will get better some wont… doesn’t impact a top 500 player’s rank

I mean there is much difference between a bronze player n a plat players sometimes diamond players…

I feel like if you need a Mercy pocket as a Soldier, Ashe, Soujurn,etc. Then you are that good of a player ESPECIALLY when the enemy team doesn’t have a pocket of their own.

Partially agree because ok even in masters I see players getting ragey over instructions.

The issue seems to be, as you say, the attitude. And in low ranks, be they new players or smurfs, everyone’s attitude sucks.

My experience is mostly just smurfs not caring because they just wanna play one character and not care about winning, has totally ruined this game for me. The Smurfs are ALWAYS uncooperative that i get on my team and have caused me to not even care about my rank anymore. I wish blizzard would hand out coal presents that represent a perma-ban like Dota 2 did to smurfers.

but wasnt the point of the line you quoted that the other dps HAD a pocket and he’d ask for one to even the playing field?


I miss playing around Masters back in the day. They were very good in working together through an unspoken pact.

It is funny when this comes from someone who finds offense even when nobody is talking about them in particular.

So, I was just remembering this conversation because of Outside. You probably have them ignored, but I just wanted to give you a few hilarious examples of this💀

Clearly the system is the problem, right :skull::skull::skull:

Let’s be honest here guys, either low or high rank some people are uncooperative because they have gigantic egos.

When I get masters / GM teammates in ranked a lot of them get angry when you ask them to swap (especially Mercy players for some reason).


Boy he really got to you huh? I’m enjoying the scintillating conversation though. :popcorn:

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You both have a point, a lot of players has a bad attitude that prevents them to win more games but at the end of the day what keeps people away from high ranks are mechanical skills.
I climbed out from bronze to high plat but then the other players had just a better aim and better awareness than me and couldn’t get higher than that.

He didn’t get to me, unless you count that as me laughing my butt off for the past 15 minutes. Although the misused philosophical terms do big me a little bit, I’ll admit that.

You gotta admit that it’s actually hilarious that I have a conversation about the deflection from low ranks yesterday and then jump into one like that today.

You couldn’t be more wrong. I’ve always said that the threshold for GM aim is Plat. Aim is very, very connected to game sense. GM game sense pretty much means GM aim.

I mean you and Chi sat there and lectured me and now you’re on the opposite end of it. I do find it pretty amusing.

The opposite end of…what? You were going off on random tangents for no real reason and Chi was arguing with you because of it. Outside is straight up “BIRD AREN’T REAL, THE MOON LANDING WAS STAGED, HITLER IS IN TRUMP’S BASEMENT”

yet posts this:

lmao textbook gotten
how free u r

Isn’t game sense a mechanical skill? Maybe I just used the wrong word.
What I mean is: game sense, awareness, aim, positioning. Those are crucial to rank higher in my opinion.
Attitude is important too but it’s just a factor and is not decisive.


Thanks for the laughs. It’s been fun, truly. But I fear that too much exposure to you will hurt my brain.

I mean I am always going to do what I want, my team is my enemy in low ranks.