Top 500 tank swaps FOURTEEN times

Yeah. There’s only one tank so they need to do something about that. They could have more hybrids in the support DPS role or shore up tank weaknesses when they are too easy to exploit (like’s DM could be more resistant to beams), etc.

They have to do something to make it fit better in a 5v5 since they’re dedicated to 5v5.

At the same time though, tank counter swaps should be a thing. You should be able to go Zarya to help with a, for example.

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Try to post something without mentioning symm challenge: impossible


So, I agree 100% with this comment. And I prefer 5v5 as a tank main. But, Samito has a point in this video and it kills me to admit it. I think there are ways to fix it besides his solution of 6v6 or bust. But the counter swapping is out of control.

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People who think this happened in 6v6 are delusional, it is in fact caused by 5v5 solely cause there isnt a second tank that can each other weaknesses, in ow 1 if there was a zarya i wasnt forced to swap dva cause the other tank could take care of her.

Now if im on dva and win 1 teamfight and the other tank goes zarya im at a massive disadvantage and have to play as if i was a higher rank just to win


After the game starts heroes should be locked except for those already picked. Meaning if you get a bad matchup out of spawn you can mirror but it completely removes constant hard countering.


Yes it was made for swapping and also made for 6v6, this wasnt an issue in ow 1


Its a single line of my post.

But also… why should I?

I can pinpoint the start of the decline of this game with the Sym 3.0 rework. It was the moment where Blizz made clear they were perfectly content with just obsoleting entire heroes to pander to popular DPS mains.

Lol, reminds me of the UFC where both fighters just keep feinting

but nothing visible really happens

Like the Yoel/Izzy fight

tank ults should counter counter picks, problem solved

To help, yes. Not to shut down. And counterswapping should mostly be replaced by countertactics. Ie “go high ground against this tank, stay far against this tank, get close against this tank”, all of which COULD involve swapping but doesn’t NEED to.

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He identifies the problem correctly but his solution is like burning down your house to kill a mosquito lol. Until someone can find a solution to the queue time problem in 6v6 other than mAkE tAnK fUn, then it’s not feasible.


I don’t 100% hate this idea. It’s a bit restrictive, but maybe it could work with some tweaks.

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wrong? yes.

you start off saying “rien only? first to switch gets mass reported?”

then do this


It baffles me that people can unironically claim that counterpicking isn’t a thing. If it’s not, then why do top 500 and other high rank players keep doing it? It is absolutely still a thing. It never went away, and it never ever will.

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this is environment i play in ranked, and some people on the forums still try and tell me “counterpicking/the meta isnt THAT big of a deal” :sob:


Counter swapping is a core part of this game. It should absolutely remain that way.

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It’s a RQ problem. The current state of 5v5 goes against how they “conditioned” folks to play.

Counterswapping always existed, but were softned due not being alone in one role. The RQ conditioned folks to play with 1-2 heroes, due folks maining a role would require a up to 2 heroes to learn, instead of at least 6 on roleless.

If you make folks play with 1-2 heroes and not change counterswap prior to 5v5. You’re doing one of the biggest mistakes, due you’re empowering counterpick and going against what the other 2 roles do.

They aren’t hard countered due not being alone. Also they would stick with one/two heroes due RQ conditioning them to do so.

5v5 is a mistake due being done without solving counterpick prior to it. Similar to RQ being a mistake due having the biggest pool being the most non standardized one, instead of keeping the 4 roles and enable as the mode and objective makes it plausible.

The problem with 5v5 is similar to RQ, changes being done without making the core make sense to it. Until then, the mess will only get worsened. 6v6 could solve 2-3 problems tbh.

  • Differentiate casual from comp, making comp 5v5 and casual 6v6. Improving both modes matches quality.
  • Could have different rulesets, like hero bans, map rotation and stuff like that, demoting folks sticking with 1-2 heroes, instead… broadening a bit the comp side(maybe even enabling a bit more loosely compositions in formations). While on casual heroes would have different perks(hp,dmg, cooldowns and maybe even formations).
  • modes with different goals having different crowds, helping the comp scene actually thrive/work.

Key aspects:
Differentiate casual and comp.(casual shouldn’t be a warm up for comp and comp shouldn’t be for fun).
Counterpick where should happen and how.(if should exist or not and how to make it less onesided towards tanks)
Change the game to work on competitive vision(ow tournaments and pro)
Change the game to please more casuals(revenue increase)

Samitos right. And to add fuel to the fire did anyone else see Aaron say how it’s stressful for solo tanks to make space in that interview with flats?

Curious random statement indeed.

Tbh, the only way to make bearable is to sistematically force mirroring through ban mechannics or generalize tanks themselves. If they plan to keep 5v5.

Which I think the ban route, mirror and 5v5 would work better on comp. While 5v5 isn’t casual friendly by any means.

I would rather swap heroes (like the game always intended you to do) over stale mirror metas and nerfed tanks because of synergy like OW1 had

You’re crazy if you disagree

Who cares about swapping anyways? Literally every hero in this game is fun

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