Top 500 streamers smurfing

Smurfs equate to money for Blizzard, so they are OK with them. Blizzard’s new slogan: We will do anything for money.

LOL ok dude. “It’s not the kids shoplifting who are at fault, it’s entirely down to the shopkeeper who’s too trusting”

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“Its not the criminals doing the crimes, its the systems fault for creating things that could be crimes”

how do they ruin games? With carrying 5 ppls and winning 6? This is 1 player difference. GitGud stuf etc, what are u doing in ranked if you not ready to improove? High rank player can decide how he get fun from this game especialy when gm is unplayable since there is no players and high q time as dps for consiquence. If u struggle this is your individual problem be better, rank up to be able beat them. All you saying is you’re just bad player. That’s it, this is the general problem, not smurfs.

Smurfing is looked so down upon, but the reality is it’s better for players to know how good people can get than practice on plats all day. You learn nothing from winning against plats, absolutely nothing. Losing to a gm Smurf, you learn their flank routes, their strats, their aim technique, their ult management, and also a taste of what real overwatch players can do. Of course only if you chose to take it as a lesson unless getting tilted and curling up in a ball is the best strat. Anyone who wants to get better should be greatfull. Unless it’s a widow Smurf, that’s just trolling lol

Prevention is better than cure. Yes, punish those who do it, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t work to stop it happening in the first place.

Most of them just do it to avoid long queue times

Only informative version of this play through is ML7’s using Baptiste. Yeah he does have insane aim that carries games a lot of the time. But he’s explaining his thought process the entire game which is super interesting

The difference is, ML7 wasnt even carrying the games, he was just a part of the team

Imagine necroing your own thread…

Are you seriously this bored?

Yes i am this bored, also id rather have my posts about the game be on the feed than a bunch of spam, atleast this thread has a lot of good replies talking about the game :woman_shrugging:

Role q

is a consiquence of q time and broken meta.

yeah! make a discount for new ow accounts =)