Top 500 streamers smurfing

I report these as I see them. Since they have to throw to do these. not that it ever does anything

I mean what do they even gain by doing these so-called “challenges” if they’re just gonna play the exact same heroes they play on their main account? We all know a 4500 Widow is going to end up at 4500 again if they play Widow. If they’re playing a hero they’ve never played before, that’s a different story.

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Thats kinda direct result of the fact they have nothing to stream OW -wise.

Fissure was smurfing in my brother’s Diamond games last week and ruined it for them.
It’s cool to see an (ex) OWL player in game but pubstomping does suck.

Really i stopped playing for a couple of seasons and only fell about 200 points. I won 1 game and was back in plat.

That’s what happened to me. Around whatever season it was when Monster Hunter World and Assassin’s Creed Odyssey came out. I got sucked in playing them.

You realize the “let’s go dude” guy you are hating on placed masters on his soldier 1 trick account and got to GM in about 8 hours?

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That happens depending on how the game is played and how much hidden MMR can be generated. Plat is the max fully “unknown” rank. It really depends on the matchmaker.

Theres 2 of them, one placed masters, one placed diamond, my guy

It would be if it was their only account, yes. But it’s not. It’s their 10th, their 12th, their 15th, their 20th+ account. How many times does one person have to ruin people’s games before it becomes unacceptable to you? 50? 100? 1000? 10,000? Give me a number.

Difference between top 500 vs average joe smurfing: top500 streamers have fanboys.

Same fanboys will complain when someone from diamond goes into gold.

Main issue: placements starting from 2350 and place people at high diamond-low masters max after first placements.

As for Blizzard: won’t do anything because it makes money and publicity.

There is a difference between creating a new account and trying the best on that and smurfing (losing on purpose to stomp lower players). The first type is often use to play another role. For example Emongg. He created a new Account to play ball. While he is a T500 Off Tank he cant get out of diamond with ball.
People didnt like that Emongg created a new account.

But what should he do: Throw 35-75 games on his main account on hammond to get his true rank for that char, or creating a new one and stomp 2-5 games? (dont forget if he wanna play normal again, he would stomp in another 35-75 games)

Role Queue eliminate this problem to a degree. You dont have to create another account to train another role, only some special kinds (like my example with emongg or a widow/cree player wanna play df)

As Jeff said in Seagulls stream there is (was before role queue) only 1 MMR and its only changed by ranked. You get in QP or Arcade matches based on the ranked MMR

Its a new account.
Game cant put you at gm just because you went 8-2 on your first 10 games.
Also these streamers sometimes have a losing record so they place even lower. Although I watch a lot of streamers and respect them I cant avoid disliking when I see any of them play on smurfs.

20 characters

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But that would require unnecessary maintenance on on the game’s system when streamers could just not buy new accounts and ruin hundreds of games.

It might be a flaw in design, but these people are the ones making it a problem.

I can’t speak for “all streamers” because I haven’t watched all of their content. But the ones I’ve watched do the unranked to GM, here are a few thoughts.

Kabaji-- He’s really good at showing positional mistakes the other team makes, and capitalizing on them. He’s also always playing for the team win, by doing proper callouts, recommending certain hero swaps to help the team work together, and also helping to empower his teammates even when they are on heroes that he wouldn’t otherwise recommend. [He’s also never toxic, no tactical crouches, no flaming players below him etc.]

Stevoo-- I saw his bronze to GM as Symmetra a while back. And first, throwing an existing account to bronze is not a healthy or game-allowed thing to do, and was rightfully banned for it. Second, although the series was fun and educational at least for Symm players, her kit has been completely reworked and his old vids aren’t really viable anymore.

ML7-- He’s recently working on an unranked to GM using only Baptiste… This is a support main, so its not like he’s out fragging 1v6 for cool highlight montages. He’s showing how Baptiste is actually a great support, and alot of support mains are still sleeping on him and not giving Baptiste the proper chance he deserves.

Most of the guys that i’ve personally seen do not derank to bronze. They place as high as they can initially. Most of them also believe just “beating up on kids” is not fair to anyone involved, and try not to do that.

The ones i’ve seen labeled as “educational” have been exactly that. They (ML7 and Kabaji especially) show how certain strats and tactics don’t work at various elos, and instead focus on how to play for the teamfight win in whatever game they are currently playing.

You’re exactly right there. Top notch aim takes time-- it can’t be mastered by just watching someone else do it. Its the game sense, the positioning, the thought processes behind combining ults, or asking for hard resets, or thinking about when to flank, or when to stall, or when to break shields etc-- those are the educational things we can all learn from.

Hope this helps.

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They are playing the game as intended? what’s the problem??

Why are you trying to blame this on the streamers? If it’s such a big problem ask Blizzard to stop allowing people to have multiple accounts, but they won’t because it’s a big part of their income.

If they buy a new account (wich is completely justified) then what’s wrong with playing the game as it’s intended to be played?

They don’t throw or ruin any games, you can’t even report them for it because they are litterally doing NOTHING wrong.

It doesn’t matter if they’re not technically doing anything against TOS. It’s still wrong, just less wrong than outright throwing games.

Uhh, smurfing isnt how the game is intended