Top 500 sprays removed?

So, I just read the announcement:

“We’re removing the commemorative sprays and icons players earned each season, including the top 500 sprays and icons.”

Does that mean my top 500 sprays in OW1 will disappear and not be able to be used in OW2?

Really confused and worried and hoping they just worded it in a bad way. Worked my butt off for those…


Yes unfortunately it seems like it…

:pouting_cat: :-1:


The ones you have now are fine. They just won’t be offering it for new seasons.


I hope it was just bad wording, honestly.

They have a top 500 spray for this current season of OW1. So it wouldn’t make sense I guess.

Still, just praying the top 500 sprays I earned arent gonna vanish from my useable sprays on my characters in OW2.


im not sure i heard they are and they arent i really hope not played 1000 games this season so i could climb into top500 because i love the genji icon and ow1 end when season ends so wouldn’t make much sense to get rid of the icon, but i have tried contacting support for clarification, but if i don’t hear anything back I’m gonna start posting it on every streamer until someone actually gets the answer lol


If its content you own now, you’ll have it in ow2


Ahaha yes, I’m 100% behind you on that!
Be sure to keep me updated here, pretty please, lol :slight_smile:

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Me and friend are on the same boat here. We did the open queue 50 games this season to get t500 and we did. Unfortunately as stated before, OW1 and final season ended at the same time.

We have now received the regular spray on OW2, but not the T500 one. Friend has opened up a ticket that Blizzard hasn’t responded to yet. Hopefully they’ll remediate this.


Linking my post in case you would like to read more about this issue Season 36 Missing Top 500 Rewards. I put your thread under Missing Top 500 Rewards (Season 36).

Months later and yet…

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You are not alone in experiencing this bug. I have created a more centralized spot to keep our evidence of our missing Top 500 placement and rewards for Season 36. Under my megathread is a new category titled: Season 36 Top 500 Evidence. Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. Please post any evidence you have to a filesharing website such as Imgur, Youtube, Reddit, etc. and then reply with a shortened URL and your BattleTag to those posts so I can add them to the megathread as well.

Giving this post another bump.

Just make a new topic.
This topic doesn’t have much to do with your issue and is 6 months old.

I disagree. And as can be seen with the bug regarding lowered end-of-season rewards for Season 3, the Devs only addressed this bug this season because players continuously promoted a post regarding their issue since launch so to create a new topic would not be an effective strategy. Additionally, not only were Top 500 sprays in fact removed, but other Top 500 rewards such as player icons and competitive points were never distributed to players like myself who have earned them. This has been an ongoing, persistent issue since even before the launch of Overwatch 2. For MrWorldwide and their friend, as well as Akiyama and myself, we are all players who suffered this bug around 8 months ago at the end of Season 36 and I will do my part in helping getting it addressed. Some other players have lost their Top 500 rewards for other seasons with the launch of Overwatch 2 as well, which you can find a list of in my megathread under: Lost Past Top 500 Rewards. I hope this helps.

Here’s another bump for this post.

You guessed it: another bump for this post.