Top 500 Player Title Bug

Hi! I finished the first OW2 season at rank 425 on PC for the NA Combined leaderboard, I received the ‘Grandmaster Challenger’ player title, but not the ‘Top 500 Challenger’ title. I double checked and all 5 leaderboards should have received the title.

Is this a bug anybody else is experiencing?


I finished 425 for support on console and received the grandmaster title instead of t500 as well.


Same with me, I was top 500 combined and only got the Grandmaster title


ok, so it might be for more than just combined, may be for support as well. Also it seems like it is happening for both PC and console.

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Yeah, it’s only happening to like certain people though. Everyone I know got the t500 one but not me… just unlucky I guess lol


I know of so far 5 people with this issue, so it’s not just us, but I really hope someone sees this chain and tries to help

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The same issue happened to me as well. I was t500 EU in combined leadboard but I received only grandmaster title. I think it might be that my dps sr is higher than the combined sr (combined master2 and dps gm3), so the system give the the gm title instead of t500. My friends do not have the issue since their certain role´s sr is higher than the combined sr…


Ahh I gotcha and i could see that making sense as to why this bug is happening, my tank was GM 4 at the end, but my combined was Masters 2. My tank just missed top 500, but my combined was top 500

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I’m running into the same issue for combined top 500


Ok, clearly this isn’t just me, can an update be provided on when this may be fixed around? Also if anybody else is having this issue, reply to let them know of the issue

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Same thing occurred for me…


Gotcha and I’m sorry that happened to you too. It’s frustrating. Keep letting them know in case they don’t realize of this bug. I assume we just need to wait for a moderator to see and fix the issue

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Ich bin in der letze Season bei overwatch 2 in der top 500 gewesen platz 304 und habe nicht das top 500 Emblem bekommen TUGA#21460…

Ich habe auf PlayStation Pool und Konsole eingeränkt

PlayStation Dps 304 Heal G1
Konsolenpool Tank 2 best 1 dps Dia 5 heal dia 4

Warum sehe ich nur die Hälfte bei mir


I only speak some German but I understood what you said I believe you said you were rank 304 and didn’t get the top 500 title name. I gotcha and sounds like more of the same issue, please fix it Overwatch team

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same, I finished top 500 dps and tank on playstation I have diamond rewards


Yeah that is right i was on 304 ans havent become the title of top500


Oh geez, that’s really messed up. Yeah it sounds like the reward giving is all kinds of screwy as of now

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Hopefully they fix it, kinda doubt it though.

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I am not a T500 player but I made it to Master 5 and after achieving that, I stopped playing competitive. When I logged in after the update I received Diamond rewards allthough I never dropped out of Masters.

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Same, if it goes for a couple more days I’ll have my friend in the content creator discord bring up the issue. For now I am waiting for it to hopefully just be resolved

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