Top 500 leaderboard

Just noticed I have been in top500 for the last few games played. Even tried logging out and back in, and I do have SMS on my account. How often does this refresh so I can get my cool top500 emblem?

Keep playing. Maybe you haven’t hit 50 game yet. I heard the 10 placement matches do not count. You might be close

I have 68 games played =*(

Top 500 rewards are only awarded at the end of the season.

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Not the rewards, but just the emblem next to my SR and ingame graphics under my alias

You sure you have checked all requirements needed to be able to get on top 500 board?

Top500 starts at 4023, and I am 4048.

SMS protect enabled.

64 games played.

Keep playing. It’ll refresh soon.
Or contact blizzard

You only get the emblem if you end the season at T500.

You need SMS enabled prior to playing the 50 games it is also region specific meaning you need 50 games played in whatever specific region you want to appear in.

So if you enable SMS after 50 games, you dont get it?

Top 500 is 4350 ish.

No you need to enable it then play 50 games.

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Ahhh, ty for clarification Fief!

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