Top 500 Leaderboard Bug

I finished top 500 on support in season 7 (NA), but now my account isn’t on the leaderboard and the top 500 rank icon isn’t displayed in my career profile. I also noticed that there are a large number of duplicate accounts (5-10%) on the leaderboard. These are accounts that have the same number of games played, player icon, name, etc. They are the exact same account and shown twice on the leaderboard, usually right next to each other. I believe that my account was removed from top 500 as a result of this bug where essentially duplicated players take up spots on the leaderboard causing others to be kicked off. It’s possible that there is a different explanation for why my account was removed from top 500 after the season ended, however I believe this bug to be the most likely reason. I even have the “Top 500 Role Challenger” title despite not appearing on the top 500 leaderboard.

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You are not alone in experiencing this bug. I’ve linked the competitive bugs megathread at the bottom of this post, which archives and documents almost every competitive bug. I put your thread under: Not Appearing On Leaderboards (Season 7). Please help in spreading the word about this megathread and other related threads regarding these issues.