Unfortunately, Top 500 player icons and sprays are exclusive to Overwatch 1 and are no longer earnable. I’ve linked the post explaining the Top 500 icon situation here if you want to read about it:
I chanced upon this thread and thought I’d share some information that might help. I’m a current T500 Role Queue player with multiple friends in the T500 as well and I can confirm that as far as I know, you can no longer get the T500 icons for being in T500 in OW2. Everybody I know who has the regular orange T500 icons (including myself) had them from OW1, and it seems that the T500 icons are no longer earnable rewards in OW2 (at least in Role Queue) and have been replaced with the Competitive T…
However, if you are experiencing other bugs regarding competitive, I’d encourage you to check out the competitive bugs megathread here:
While this post was originally only about my missing Top 500 rewards for Season 36 of Overwatch 1, I have now expanded it into a megathread that documents and archives almost all other related Top 500 and competitive bugs. Please do read through the comprehensive list of posts below and and bump up threads related to your issue. That being said, the missing Top 500 rewards for Season 36 remains the main focus and issue of this thread. This thread is, has been, and will continue …
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