Top 500 flag bearer title accesibility issue

Could you copy the text of your support ticket where they state that this is a bug? And as for the seasonality of the player title, I meant it as in the player title was for a Season 2 competitive mode, which was awarded at the start of Season 3, which became expired at the start of Season 4. I didn’t mean it as in it would only expire at the start of the second season of Comp CTF specifically.

As it so happens, I am also a Top 500 Competitive CTF player and I am still able to use my player title. However, looking at my list of player titles, it appears to be bugged as the upper right corner displays both the equipped icon and the locked icon overlaid on each other. From a few other posts I’ve read from my megathread under: Incorrect End Of Season Competitive Rank And Rewards (Seasons 1-3), it appears unequipping the player title will cause you to permanently lose it. I will leave the link to it here: Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. Is this what happened to you?