šŸ‘‘ Top 500 Coach - AMA

Hey, i play about 3x a week, 10hrs+ each day. Im low gold.

I decided for season13 to makeup a schedule. Ill play 1 day just focus on my mechanics and game knowledge. Another day too learn new heros, and the last day i will play competitive mostly.

I feel if i do something like that, ill be playing a lot less competitive mode then im used too, but ill be climbing faster cuz as long as i can see myself improve, i should be gaining a nice chuck of SR each week, until i hit my peak.

You think playing like this is good way to improve? Is there a more efficient way to get better. Should i play more comp each week or even less.?

My goal is to hit plat for s13. Any tips would be gratefulā€¦

what is the best drill you would recommend for working on tracking? flicking?

Where do you feel Hammondā€™s place in comp is? He is the first hero I have felt like I can really make a run to masters with but the biggest problem I run into is no one really knows what his role is supposed to be. I play him as main tank but have had success as off tank.

My warmups take ages as well. I do a little bit of aim training after a game or two, and then play a few more games to keep warming up.

I warm up the most across my entire play session.

Hi Eon!
My name is Alex and my favourite milkshake is vanilla :slight_smile:
I like long walks in the beach and top500 players coaching me.
I play guild wars 2 for a pve game and symmetras qualifying matches when Iā€™m on my phone. I like to read books, Stephen King is one of my favs.

This season I want to get as high as I can, so I decided to one trick Brigette. My reasons for doing so are that I think sheā€™s the easiest hero to play, and since Iā€™m pretty bad at the game i think sheā€™s perfect for me.

I will try to Instalock her and pick Moira (which seems pretty easy too) if I canā€™t get her. Also Iā€™m playing with no comms or chat, since that makes me play so much better (i donā€™t get tilt at all if thereā€™s no comms).

I donā€™t know how to play Brigette. I know what her skills do, and her combo (Iā€™m semi proficient at performing it).

My sensitivity is 5.00 at 800 dpi and I play in windowed fullscreen with everything low and 100% render at 120 fps @ 60hz.

Would you teach me to play? Iā€™ll start placements tonight and record to try to see my mistakes. If you want Iā€™d be more than happy to upload them so you can review them.

My (impossible) dream is to hit Masters with her, but i would be more than happy if I can get to high plat or low diamond. This account is low plat.

I have previous experience in overwatch, mostly as DPS that flexes into support, but I got to the point (low-mid diamond) where the enemy DPS is just better than me.

Edit: I already bought Brigs golden flail and have a legendary skin, voice lines emote and stuff. I even have a highlight intro (I may get lucky with a potg, you never know).

I feel your pain dude. I play on xbox too and Iā€™ve gone on mad losing streaks due to trolls, disconnects, tilted team mates. Its always easy to climb back up after the fall, but it sooo annoying when Iā€™m actually in a tryhard ā€œdo anything to climbā€ mind set.

Profile is ranked bottom 500, sounds legit.

If possible, higher frequency with shorter sessions do you the most good. More consistent practice is always better than a few huge bursts.

This should happen every single day, every single hour, every single game, and every single death. This shouldnā€™t be something you put an entire 10hr session towards.

Donā€™t. If you do that youā€™ll end up trying to learn the whole roster and will end up diluting any skill you had on other heroes. Imagine eating vanilla and chocolate ice cream - great on their own and not too shabby when mixed. Now imagine having one bowl with a single scoop of each of the 30+ flavors offered to you. It might be good at first but the flavors would start to melt together pretty quickly and turn into a gloppy mess. This is what happens when you try to play too many heroes. Stick to a few within a role and maybe one outside of your role.

You should be playing competitively every day you play. Unless youā€™re scrimming on other days you wonā€™t learn much outside of competitive. Playing QP is semi-decent for learning the absolute bare minimums of some heroes but is basically worthless past that.

Yes, donā€™t lower your comp playtime.

Not quite. If youā€™re trying to learn six hundred heroes and notice your mistakes in quickplay then when you get to comp youā€™ll be severely underprepared and will get clapped. You need to keep playing competitively with the other concepts in mind so that youā€™re trying to implement them in the actual environment where they matter. You donā€™t lift 5lb weights and then expect to deadlift 300lbs, you need to practice like you play - in competitive.

I havenā€™t played more than 5 games of QP since around S3.

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Hi yes, why do you hate our lord and savior mint chocolate chip milkshakes

Just saw this. Been on a long break. Iā€™ll throw something together

So if itā€™s best to have 3 to 4 characters in a role mastered:
What two in your opinion would compliment Phara and Tracer as a complete and flexible Cypher of DPS mains? And why, whats the reasoning/ theory behind your choices.
I usually Play a full spectrum flex and have a few mains in each category but try to play whatā€™s needed . Iā€™d just want my 3-4 set be complimentary and diverse in a competetive game sense sort of way. As in able to counter more with my few mains.


Simple question do you report players?

What are some examples of win conditions? Iā€™m a bit confused.

Nope, not unless thereā€™s blatant cheating. Everything else is a waste of time in my opinion and encourages a negative outlook towards other players if youā€™re constantly looking to report people.


dude im 4002 and i wonder if you can help me get placed in gm and just be at the egde of it my battletag is RedditLucio#2937

Great to know thereā€™s still some good players left on OverWatch :+1:

Do you approve of smurfing?

If so, why do you think its okay to go down to lower levels and noob stomp people that are trying to learn to get better but cant even get out of the gate without getting head shot?

Do you also approve of using a lower ranked player to get placed in a lower ranked match?

Not my style, dude, sorry.

Hi, my name is Janko. I climbed from Bronze to Platinum without any coach. Iā€™ll continue doing so for other tiers. Thanks.

You necro your own thread to show us that you are smurfing. Is pretty low act. GM on tank, Masters on heals but bronze on dps. 234 games lost out of 362. Thatā€™s a lot of throwing.

Overbuff shows that on dps you have extremely high accuracy, very low deaths but somehow just canā€™t seem to kill. Youā€™d think blizz could detect guys like you automatically and ban your account.