Top 5 Reasons Why People are Stuck in Gold Rank

Just out of curiosity, how many games/time are we talking about?

I’d say often after 20. 40-50 definitely.

It’s actually more like 100-300.

Games for algorithm to converge:

Game Mode Number of Games per Gamer
16 Players Free-For-All 3
8 Players Free-For-All 3
4 Players Free-For-All 5
2 Players Free-For-All 12
4 Teams/2 Players Per Team 10
4 Teams/4 Players Per Team 20
2 Teams/4 Players Per Team 46
2 Teams/8 Players Per Team 91

The actual number of games per gamer can be up to three times higher depending on several factors such as the variation of the performance per game, the availability of well-matched opponents, the chance of a draw, etc. If you want to learn more about how these numbers are calculated and how the TrueSkill ranking system identifies players’ skills, please read the Detailed Description of the TrueSkill™Ranking Algorithm or find out in the Frequently Asked Questions.


This coincides, roughly, with my own experiments: Overwatch Forums and Overwatch Forums

P.S. Higher ranks seem to converge faster, by anecdote.

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It’s not that they are brain dead, it’s that the higher elo players on alt accounts in the matches identify you as the hard carry, and do whatever it takes to take you of the game. They spawn camp you, hard focus you with dva winston simultaneously because they know they can dive the back line for free and get away with it. You can’t do anything. there’s no counter play when the enemy team invests in killing you at all costs.

You say well swap to a tank or healer, but now I can’t even defend myself from the onslaught. Mechanically skilled players in low SR get hard focused out of the game, by players who know that keeping the Hanzo in spawn is the win condition, while your supports are saying “just play junkrat”. I don’t even know how to play junkrat, and I would get destroyed by them anyway probably even faster.

You’re a diamond player as well, my stats are slightly better than yours (in quickplay matches against diamond and master rank players because my quickplay MMR is at that level).

It’s pretty safe to say that I belong in high plat or low diamond because that’s the range of these smurfs when I ask them, and matchmaking has pitted my Hanzo or Tracer against one of their good DPS players. So if I play another hero, I will 100% lose the match if i’m not as good on them as Hanzo or Tracer or Genji (my most played heroes overall). if I get forced off Tracer after a long winning streak, I lose those PBSR gains, so the only option is to play Tracer into every single counter, and just be better than all of them (i’m not, which is why I think somewhere in diamond is where I belong. I can kill them, but then they come back with mercy pockets and zen orbs, and my absentee healers just run away and watch me die.

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Last night I was in r66 and the enemy team had 2 smurfs (not grouped).

They were McCree and pharah. We started and my team was kind of being spawncamped and we couldn’t push past the gas station.

For attack I played widowmaker. McCree and me had tons of fun duels. The pharah swapped to soldier. I didn’t get to fight soldier much since I was busy with cree, and he was busy killing my team.

Enemy Ana swapped to Lucio after my 2nd aerial headshot on her. She typed OMG I LOVE YOUR AIM in orange and that made my day, I felt so happy!!!
(then swapped to Lucio and 1v1ed me. God that was embarrassing).

For defense I played hanzo. I tried a crazy flank and Mc shot me down skillfully, but then I did a dragonstrike point blank through the billboard and payload and killed 2 + 2 with headshot into storm arrow (POTG!!!).

They ended up winning with 1.20 on the clock. It was an awesome match anyway.

I lost 7 (seven) SR that match. Tell me again how impossible is to climb out of low rank?
(PS: if I win I never get less than 35, even if I have no medals).

Edit: I got 2 sportmanships and 1 good teammate :slight_smile:

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Even pros have trouble aiming at a reddit lucio that’s intent on disrupting you. he’s hard to kill even with good aim. This is also how they have fun soft throwing, they play Lucio and dive the enemy DPS.

You keep spouting off about how leavers and throwers keep robbing you of your way to platinum. I bet the actual truth is, you’re exactly like this OP in this topic:


No such thing as “soft throwing”. You are either a thrower, or you are not. The difference is obvious to anyone who observes a players behavior rather than just assuming they are throwing when the team is losing.

Quickplay is an unorganised mess and shouldn’t hold any value for anyone, it’s just there to have some fun and don’t care about anything.

So if plat players have better gamesense, they are better than you and other golds. Which means you have to start improving instead of blaming everything but yourself.

You can’t say.

And then complain that you’re stuck because everything but your own skill.


So what you’re saying is that I have to play Moira and right click people to death to climb because clearly that’s how you did it. Frankly, I would rather uninstall this game, and go pubstomp in black ops.

I read all your thread!!! I’m so sorry you are having such bad teammates, but I want to give you some advice if I may (please don’t take it the wrong way).

According to what I read (and I can be mistaken because forums work like this) you spend an inordinate ammount of time observing your teammates.

As a fellow Hanzo main (I also play widow) I would advice you to pay attention to the enemy and yourself.

As snipers, awareness is our greatest asset. We can abuse positioning, and we have a very good view of the battlefield. We can even see more than supports!

Don’t waste your advantage focusing on your team. Focus on the enemy, play like a real life sniper, move around a lot and don’t stand in the same spot; if we play smart we can delete half the enemy team in 10 seconds, don’t mind your Lucio, mind your sightlines and the people that can actually shoot at you, delete them and then you have free reign to play duck hunt.


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At this point, you’re just an obvious troll. Quickplay is an unorganized mess, this is true. It is however relevant because you stated that my accuracy is only good against gold players, however my stats in quickplay games against those dimaond and master rank players, is even better.

How can you explain this if I belong in gold?

If this is the case, you’re fasing throwers.

There is no way that you win a match like that with people that actually try.
Every game has atleast 6 teamfights per round, that means 12 attacks at minimum.

But let’s just assume what you say is true.
And you get all golds etc, which don’t even mean something.

You need to understand wincondition.
Getting elims at the right time, not just killing for the sake of killing.

You can get kills when your team isn’t ready or when the fight is already over, that doesn’t mean you actually contributed something to the teamfight. Eventhough you got medals.

People are stuck in their elos because they’re impatient or they belong in that elo. It’s a matter of time, not a matchmaker / teammate issue.

If you want to be taken seriously, address the slog. Tell Blizzard it takes too daggum long to move between elos and it’s a friggin’ exercize in pulling teeth. Sure, if we make it easier to climb, we conversely make it easier to drop.

Nine months sober, I can live with that trade-off.

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Aah the classic one, somebody doesn’t agree with me so let’s call him a troll…

Because quickplay isn’t organised at all. People aren’t trying as hard as in comp. You genuinly think that a diamond is going tryhard in quickplay to get a full comp and synergy with his team?

People fool around in quickplay, they relax.

Answer this, how many times do you say a competitive composition in a quickplay match, that is not formed by a 6-stack?


Let’s compare on overbuff (I can’t link it)

Here’s you - /players/pc/Amaro-21901
Here’s me - /players/pc/Vyel-11922

I can do this with an 8cm/360, that’s lower than any of the Koreans. It’s lower than Agent’s - the lowest pro in Quake that I am aware of (he’s at 10).

Who belongs in gold when the bar for platinum is good mechanical skill? My stats blow yours out of the water, it’s not even comparable.

The simple fact is that there are a handful of us down here with god tier aim (from playing other FPS’s) that literally cannot get out because we didn’t start playing in season one, and now these ranks are inundated with alts accounts looking to pubstomp new players. And i’m down here clicking heads, it doesn’t matter if they strafe or jump, I can click their head. This complete nonsense about only being able to shoot gold bots that stand still is hilarious, and now you’ve been completely discredited. Or do you think players in Quake stand still waiting to be shot? Get real dude.

from reading this thread, my only problem seems to stem from switching off Tracer and losing PBSR gains on lost matches. So i’m going to stop doing that and let my team cry about Tracer in coms because they don’t think she does enough damage (these are the type of players I am playing with, they are clueless). They all cry to high heaven if you don’t play Reaper or Junkrat, and don’t realize that Tracer is a hitscan hero and fully capable of dealing with a Pharah. because most of them can’t aim to save their lives.

I played a mass session yesterday.
2,179 -> 2,561 (382 gain in a day).

One could argue that I threw to get that low, in my defense my game sense sucks. I played a large number of games this season without any chat/voice chat on. Mostly losses because I can’t tell what my team wanted to do nor could I voice my strat to them. What did I gain from doing this? Basically to stop dealing with problematic people before they even become a problem. Also I started to gain better game sense and lack of fear of failure due to the fact that I wasn’t going to ever have to deal with things like, “WHY WOULD YOU WASTE ULT” “NICE SHATTER REIN” or deal with psychological warfare from the opponents.

Now, rather than dealing with people who are going to complain about any small thing that they can or about their teammates, I just leave vc/chat and just play as I normally would. Listening to the people that complain are going to be as helpful as not listening to them in the first place. Besides, if your team already pegs you as the reason why they lose then no matter what you do it’s not going to get any better so might as well not listen to them and hope things just work out.

Where am I in skill level? I seriously don’t know. I don’t go lower than ~2100 without any form of communication so maybe gold? Regardless, your teammates aren’t holding you back. When people say do what you can control, that’s what you worry about. Not your team. In my case, I no longer deal with people that I just don’t feel like dealing with.

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My QP stats are from the entire time I’ve played, along with being basically the ONLY place I play those heros. Stop comparing yourself in QP, QP is not competitive and I dont try in QP. A lot of the time Im out of position or trying goofy stuff (like most of the other people you are facing) My Genji is not compariable to my Ana or any of my other supports. It’s not at all a good comparison.


Yeah lol the other day I was playing with Korn and got 4 picks with mercy in 10 secs. That’s NOT gonna happen in ranked.


Yes. Some misinterpretation.

I dont just blatantly blame someone becase of the hero they are playing.

Any good player needs to be aware of where their teammates are god forbid they need assistance. I glance around and spot their locations. If I die I spectate them and see where they were shortly before I died.

I use a good deal of common sense when I make these observations. I look at where they are standing for one because for healers position is everything.

I don;t make a full on judgement about anyone unless I have spectated them during ongoing team fights and it is blatantly obvious that they are playing poorly.

For example, the match a few days ago where Me (as Hanzo, Moira and Roadhog stepped onto Point B on Temple of Anubis. I had tossed my ultimate into the point, the 2 healers who were hiding behind the statue (knew that because I sonic arrows the statue prior to pressing Q) died to my ult and some of the tanks and DPS had already been eliminated. The Moira, throws her damage orb behind the point into that back room after they died and mere seconds before the tanks and DPS came out of the door behind us using all their ultimates.

Or when the Moira threw her orb straight down at the ground on point A of Eichenwald when we were on defense and an active team fight. The orb flew off into the sky and did almost no healing at all. That same Moira later wasted their ult while being ahead of us and got hooked by the Roadhog and killed mid ult because she was trying to solo ult the enemy Mercy who was mid ult up in the sky at full health. I asked the Moira to get behind the tank shield and make sure they use the ult to heal AND do some damage by pivoting around and using it for both. I was promptly answered with several expletives and a few forms of immature and even hateful and bigoted vernacular merely for being polite and giving someone some sound advice about their hero. And that is especially so when the tanks are simultaneously complaining that they are receiving no heals while fighting on point.

So you see my predicament for what it is. The matches result in a loss when people