Top 5 mercy skins

so in light of recent events (the dragoon mercy reveal) I was wondering what your top 5 mercy skins are

mine are

  1. Doctor Ziegler
  2. Witch Mercy
  3. Combat Medic Ziegler
  4. Winged Victory
  5. Snow Angel Mercy

I have yet to see how dragoon mercy will look in game since the reveal but I don’t think it will be a new favourite

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  1. Pink
  2. Atlantic
  3. Dragoon
  4. Seoul Dynasty
  5. Witch
  1. Witch Mercy
  2. Pink Mercy
  3. Atlantic All Stars
  4. Imp
  5. Zhuque

That said, I can’t Pick a Favorite, as Mercy is the only Hero that I love all her skins equally (until Dragoon), and Quite often change which I use from match to match. These 5 tend to be the ones I use the most.

  1. Pink
  2. Winged Victory
  3. Doctor
  4. Atlantic Mercy
  5. Combat Medic/Sugar Plum
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For me I think:

  1. Valkyrie
  2. Winged Victory
  3. Pink (I like the effects more than the skin though)
  4. Fortune
  5. Witch

It’s kinda funny, Mercy has many skins that are almost perfect. Like, they tick many boxes and then there’s this one thing that just annoys you enough to not equip it; the fairy wings, the boots for doctor skin, the eyebrows on her Sigrun skin…

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I’m really angry about Dr. Ziegler because I like it but I wasn’t playing at the event…

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thats how i feel about the weird bangs on pink… makes me not want to use it even tho i love the sound effects

aww damn that sucks. They should repeat the event or something. I always wanted nano cola DVA but I wasn’t playing back then

For me its :

  1. Imp
  2. Winged Victory
  3. Atlantic
  4. sugar plum
  5. Witch
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  1. Dr. Ziegler
  2. Atlantic
  3. Fieldmedic
  4. Winged Victory
  5. Pink

I have nano-cola Want to trade?

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Atlantic mercy >>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Dragoon all the way! It’s superior to all of her other skins.

urgh if only

(20 characters)

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  1. Pink
  2. Atlantic
  3. Snow Angel
  4. Sigrun
  5. Doctor/Goddess
  1. Fortune

  2. Eidgennossen

  3. Dragoon

  4. Winged Victory

  5. Amber

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  1. Seoul Dynasty (both, but Away is so pretty)
  2. Doctor Ziegler
  3. Witch
  4. Valkyrie
  5. Combat Medic
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1: Winged Victory
2: Pink
3: Atlantic
4: Combat Medic
5: Zhuque



1 Pink
2 Atlantic
3 Witch
4 Dr. Ziegler
5 Dragoon

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