Took advantage of the $15 dollar sale

To all the people who say Bronze isn’t a problem its a Git Gud issue. Just for the hell of it went out and got me one of those $15 sale games. Made it to lvl 25, did my placements. Now let me remind you that this is my main account, stuck in Bronze and can’t pull myself up. New account same as this one, main character Ana, low and behold Gold ranking!! Hmm perhaps there is something to be said for the inability to climb out of Bronze?


Now continue playing and see wether you climb or fall.

Your initial placement matches rank doesn’t mean much if you can’t keep it.

I would know since when i first started playing i got silver and dropped to bronze.

I am gold now presently though, doing that will be your true test.



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Everyone initially places Gold… if you are truly bronze, you will fall. If not, you’ll climb. End of story.


Gold is the middle ground placement for most if not all players. I am silver but when I first placed I placed gold then fell to bronze and climbed back to silver.

The trick is climbing after you place. come back because I will be curious if you climb or fall.


It’s not so much “elo hell” as it is so many contributing factors that are allowed to go unchecked that just keep you where you are or even drag you down. sure, over a large amount of games with a generous amount of luck, you can get back to where you should be, but it’s just an incredibly massive grind.

Keep in mind no I’m not saying that gms would get stuck in diamond, or that plats would get stuck in bronze or whatnot. However the system does like to act like quicksand and make the whole process a lot more slow and agonizing than it needs to be. I have a second account that I used to practice characters with that’s in gold. At the moment, I have 8 different characters in the 80-90+ precentile on it and still just went 6-7-1 lol. Only went down 1 SR. that shows the complete difference in stats. The problem is though, being that high on that many characters, going through 14 games you should be climbing. Not falling and going almost 50%. Like I said, too many outside factors allowed to have such a giant hand in the outcomes.

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Congratz I’m Plat and I placed 1970 on this account originally.
Now keep playing and see where you get.


well in bronze theres too many factors out of your hands like constant throwers and trolls that if one gets into low 1000s and has now gotten better, their time needed to move out will be increased tenfold compared to say if they were in other ranks.(i bet op will fall into silver and remain there till further improvement, but hes aviod the hurdle to get out of thrower/troll central).


If you aren’t making the game winning plays at your current tier, you don’t belong in a higher tier.

  • Bronze game winning plays are silver normal plays.
  • Silver game winning plays are gold normal plays.
  • etc etc etc…

Bronze winning plays are Gold normal plays* fixed that for you.
It takes GMs to carry Diamonds at least thats what matchmaking taught me.

Not really.
I went from 1100 to 1970 last season onetricking Zen, 87% winrate.
If you’re good, throwers won’t apply.
I do agree on op probably falling to silver, from what I’ve seen and experienced myself, you can be one rank higher than where you’re currently at, and have trouble climbing -since you cannot carry with that small difference in skill-

Agreed on this.
You need to be two skill levels above the level you want to carry in (generally)
This is why ‘gatekeeper’ matches are a thing, you might be a silver in bronze, but not good enough to carry in silver, thus cannot reach it.

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I would say high bronze low silver is the new gold. Low gold is the new low plat this season.

The average skill for comp has gone up about a full skill tier in a matter of weeks.

I used to solo carry games in low silver. I have to really try now.

I cant do 2300 games anymore as a support I am dead weight. I climbed to 2400 on 2 accounts at the end of season 12. Something has gone down between season 12 and 13.

Agreed on this.
You need to be two skill levels above the level you want to carry in (generally)
This is why ‘gatekeeper’ matches are a thing, you might be a silver in bronze, but not good enough to carry in silver, thus cannot reach it.

When I used to play around 1900-2100 a few seasons ago I could carry 15-1600 games pretty easiliy. There is quite a difference actually between low and high silver. The OP who is hard stuck in high bronze is in for a rude awakening. Yes someone can be underranked 2 to maybe 300 SR. No way they are going to stay low gold after 50ish matches after being hard stuck at 13-1400 range.

I agree threshold rating matches suck but that is because you have mixed ambitions. Some of your teammates and enemy players have already crossed into the other tier and no longer care and some are still tryharding.

I do agree he’ll fall, I think he might end up low silver though.
I mean, the new account placements are incredibly broken.
My bronze friend has a 30% winrate in bronze, he made a new account and placed platinum…
Guess where that plat account is now? Bronze :laughing:

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As someone that is playing around 16-1700 right now I am a washed up mid gold player in silver like many others right all I gotta say is the speed of the game between there and 2300 is night and day.

2300 right game speed wise is like what high plat was last season. It’s like what happened between seasons 6 and 7 and HUGE difference in average skill. What is interesting is both of the transitions between 6 and 7 and seasons 12-13 are both roughly a year to the day apart…

That is an interesting notice.
I do partly blame the humblebundle sale, lot of smurf players got into gold last season due to it.
Personally this accounts high is 2970, though I picked Zen up after not playing him since s2 and fell to 2400 LOL
So I’d say my Zen is 2300 range, since the alt account I onetricked him on only started having issue in 2300 range.
(Grouped with friends sometimes, so our group sr was 2300 lmao)

Without sounding harsh, there is nothing to be said for the inability to climb out of Bronze. I originally placed silver when I first started, dropped to just below 1000sr then one tricked hog to gold the next season. Played in gold for the whole following season and then took a break for a couple seasons. When I came back I fell back down to bronze, started watching overwatch vods and different youtube videos, paying attention to what they were doing and why. Then again climbed from bronze to mid gold blowing past my previous career high. I have a second account that’s plat but if I play anything but zarya I get wrecked so I know I really don’t belong there, even though I can play zarya at that level I’m unable to contribute much else at that elo if she is a bad pick for the comp or map. So until I catch my alt account with my main account I know I still have more to improve on. These posts about how “I bought a second account and placed higher than I’ve ever been, so the system is broken.” they’re just not true because there’s also cases of players placing lower. Sample size is so small for new accounts that’s it’s almost impossible if not impossible to place you where you truly belong, which is why sr is so volatile for many games after placements.

In short, if you place higher than you can contribute you’re going to drop to where you can. If you can perform there, you can climb there. It’s how the system works.


I do agree they will go down to some sort of rating. I still do believe people can be underranked a few hundred sr as I mentioned before.

low silver does have some REALLY INSANE skill variance. There are definitely people there that should have never broken mid bronze and some people that should be pushing gold. It’s really wonky.

I honestly think placements should be done just once or if the player hasn’t played for like 2 seasons. I would up the games to at least 15 if not 20. There are just too many people who get overranked by at least a tier.

The skill gap could possibly be bigger, but you have to take into account that not everyone climbs to the same sr the same way. From what I’ve seen of most bronze-gold players with public profiles is that they have so many different heroes played in one session or throughout a season with no rhyme or reason. So my guess is that in a lot of cases this comes from players playing heroes they are good at so they’ll start to climb and then they fill or play heroes they don’t know all that well and they’ll seem like they are just boosted and drop back down. If someone fills main tank to try and save the team comp they’ll probably look much worse than an enemy tank who is really good at main tank. Even though the two can compete at the same sr, they just can’t in the same category. This is why after eight seasons of playing my view has shifted from believing that mechanical skill is the key to climbing to realizing that game sense is the actual key to climbing.


Climbing with support below Gold is hard. Above gold and it’s actually easier than DPS.

Also you will probably drop if you play 50 games.